Glimmer Of Orange

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Jeon Jungkook
- Command and dispatch officer

Jeon Jungkook- Command and dispatch officer

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Park Jimin
- Current captive

Park Jimin- Current captive

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Glimmer of orange

"Right so are we all clear on the objectives today?" Hoseok asked looking at the officers in turn as he flicked through the briefing with efficiency.

"Yes sir."

"Is there any captives Sir?" Taehyung asked biting his lip with eagerness to finally take down the trap houses.

For the team today were breaking into Seoul's renowned trap houses, everyday they continuously lured in unsuspecting visitors, pulling them straight into the underground drug trafficking market. Innocence torn away as the illegal highs became their only purpose to exist on earth, all serving back to one gang for money to fuel their addictions. The houses were tearing apart Seoul, hundreds dying each month from drug abuse and the crime spiralling out from them.

Everybody wanted the downfall of the drugs market.

"Yes we have intelligence that there is one captive, however details have not be disclosed on their appearance, I've tasked Jeon to find them, or their body."

"You said they'd were alive though." Jungkook spoke up confusion now decorated across his handsome features.

"You know the torture the ring places upon captives, I doubt they will be alive, probably clinging on to life if anything. Anyway get suited you know the plan from there." Hoseok finished as he dismissed the team.


Jungkook pulled off his protective helmet with ease, black waves of hair drifted across his features, only to be pushed back fiercely by his rugged hands. The boy quickly scanned the room, a glimmer of metal soon attracted his attention, for a small cell was hidden in the corner, the stench of mould almost overpowering.

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