"Alright!" Mic and Midnight cheered, them all sitting down.


The group had fallen asleep. Bakugo and Kirishima were cuddling together on the blown up air mattress. Aizawa was had his laid on Mic's chest. Midnight was leaning against the back of the couch and All Might was on the second air mattress with Deku by his side.

Todoroki was laying on the floor next to the air mattress that All Might and Deku was on. Mina and Kaminari was also on the floor, each one on one side of the KiriBaku air mattress. Uraraka was back in her room as her monthly cycle had hit in the middle of the movie night and she turned in early, Deku handing her a bottle of good pain pills and she took it without any questions, just thanked him.


Deku yawned as he stretched his arms. Everyone else, besides Kacchan, was awake and Kirishima was cooking breakfast with Midnight.

"Good morning Midoriya" Tenya Iida greeted him as he walked into the kitchen. "Hi Iida" Deku smiled and went to his room to get dressed for the day.

As it was Saturday, Deku put on causal clothes. Deku went to the bathroom and did his things.


"Alright, so, later today, do you want to go to the mall?" Mina asked the class of 1-A. Deku, Uraraka, Todoroki, Kirishima, Tenya, Jiro, Bakugo and Kaminari agreed to it. They all got into different cars and took off to the mall.

Deku walked off with Todoroki. Jiro with Kaminari. Kacchan with Kirishima. Tenya with Uraraka and Mina.

"Hot Topic!" Deku exclaimed while pointing towards the known emo store. The two boys ran into the dark store and looked around.


The group met back up two hours later to get some food at the food court. They ordered pizza and sat at a large table.

As they talked, a large explosion sent parts of the building flying and knocked the standing up Deku off his feet and he went flying. "Deku!" Kacchan shouted and ran towards his friend with Kirishima and Todoroki in tow.

The lift a support beam off of Deku's leg. "Are you hurt?" Kirishima asked, "No, just a scratch" Deku told them and they helped him up.

They saw Toga, Dabi, and a Nomu walked in from the explosion site.

Jiro and Kaminari started helping people out from near the Villains and their attacks. Jiro held two small children and took them to their parents, meeting up with Kaminari. Kaminari handed a toddler to their grandmother.

"Jiro, over there!" Kaminari pointed to where a older woman was trapped by a piece of wall, it resting on the woman's legs.

"Kirishima!" Jiro called out to the red haired hero and pointed over to the woman. Kirishima nodded and came running over, hardening and with the help of Deku, lifted the wall enough for Jiro to pull her out.

With each arm over each male's shoulder, Deku and Kaminari carried her over to where paramedics and police were arriving. They set her on a stretcher and ran back inside.

Toga swiped at Izuku, knife in hand, and began chuckling mad-like, Dabi fought Todoroki, and the Nomu kept the others, who weren't helping take people out of the building, busy.

Bakugo blasted the Nomu backwards, it flying into a wall.

Tenya and Uraraka were helping people get out.

Mina during the blast was knocked out and was taking by Tenya to the paramedics.

"We need to call a Pro-Hero!" Deku shouted towards the others, "Agreed" Todoroki said, avoiding a hit to the face and pushed him back with fire.

Toga managed to get Izuku off guard and stabbed him in the stomach area. "Midoriya!" Tenya shouted and was knocked to the side by the Nomu.

All Might came busting into the doors. "Alright, let's leave" Dabi kicked Todoroki in the face and a portal appeared, "Bye, bye" Toga chuckled and ran into the portal with Dabi and the Nomu. Katsuki growled and activated his quirk, mini explosions happening.

"Midoriya!" Yelled Todoroki at the same time as Kacchan's "Deku!". Both of males came rushing to the green haired male. All Might came and picked up Deku's body.

Paramedics took over the situation and took Deku in on a stretcher.


They rushed Midoriya into the emergency room. They cut his shirt off and quickly began bandaging and cleaning the wound. They cut off the binder and turns out when he was blast away, he bruised his chest bad.

Everyone, but All Might, left the hospital, as it was now around eight at night. "Sir, you can see him, but he's not awake yet. He passed out from the pain" A doctor told the hero, "Thank you". All Might stood up and walked into the room. Izuku laid there, his eyes closed and a peaceful look resting on his face.

Bandages were on his stomach, all the way up his chest and without the binder, his breast were evident. All Might dragged the hospital blanket over Izuku, and tucked him in. "Stay warm my boy".

1472 Words

Published, 12/13/2018

Things are a bit rushed in the chapter, but later when I come to edit, I'll fix that.


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