Chapter 9- The Deadly Surroundings

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???'s P.O.V:


I open the door to my office that I also share, but we get used to it. We're not dating, that'll be very awkward and weird. Even though that would be kinda hot. Anyway, the office is the size of at least two high school classrooms. It was pretty homey, with Two desks in the middle of the room that connect to each other. A mini walk in Kitchen on the left, and bookshelf's on the right. Mostly filled with work and shit.

"Good morning Pink, how was your training with the newbies?" A familiar voice asks me.

"Oh god it was horrible! They missed every damn shot! It was hell."

"Of course it's hell, you were there."

"Ha ha."

"I'm glad you think I'm funny."

I roll my eyes at his sarcastic manner and go over to the kitchen and start boiling the kettle. I walk over to the desks and sat down on my side of the table.

"So what about you? Done anything interesting today?"

"No not really. Just more 'Peace arrangements'. Ugh. Will they ever just stop and give up already?"

"Ugh, them. I wonder why. I've been getting a shit ton of emails of them threating me to give up cause they'll have 'ThE ReD AmRy oN tHeiR siDE' and 'tAke mE DoWN". It's stupid really."

"Hm. do they not know about our armies?-"


"Pft. Idiots."

"I know."

I heard the kettle finish boiling and jump of the desk to the kitchen. I bend down and open the cuboard to grab a mug.

"Hey you want some Coffee?"


I grab two of the mugs and sit back up, turning around and shutting the door with my foot. I grab a spoon and the coffee powder, scooping up two tea-spoons for each mug knowing we both like it strong. I put the coffee away and grab the sugar, and put one tea-spoon in each as well. I put everything away, chucking the spoon into the sink, and pouring the boiling water in.

"Whatcha working on?" I asked, trying to make small talk. while opening the fridge

"Eh, just the Experiment room files. They still haven't found 'Project #20-15-18-9.2'"

"Ugh, she's been missing for like, almost the whole year! I wish she could just give up on her, but we can't." I complained, pouring the milk in both mugs.


I walk over slowly, but at a moderately fast pace, and put our coffee's down on the desk as he mubbles a slight 'Thanks'.

I hop onto my chair and also start working on a little bit of my work, already getting bored.

"Anime night?" I turn and see him smirking at me.

"Anime night." I smirk back at him.

"Which one?" He says, us both still having that smirk as we go over to the secret room, opening it to our bedroom. It is huge, there's a king size bed, and a queen sized bed on each side, the queen side being mine. we have a Giant T.V in our view, so we can lay and watch shit. There's also a box...but you don't wanna know.

"Hmmm...we haven't finished 'Seven Deadly sins', or 'Tokyo Ghoul'?" I ask him, he thinks for a little bit then answers.

"Seven Deadly sins. I wanna know what happens to Elizabeth."

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