Chapter 1- Friendship is all that Matters.

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I remember that day...crystal clear.

I remember that face...perfectly.

I remember that glint in your the open.

I remember everything.

and it hurts.

It hurts to remember.

I don't want to remember.

why would god do this to me?

why would god do that to...



I slowly maneuver me feet, lifting if off the ground and back onto the soft wet mud-like dirt. Staining my boots, but who cares anymore?

I hear the soft whispers of the wind, gently blowing my hair back and fourth, messing up and knotting my already knotty my greasy orange locks.

I can feel the leaves falling down beside me, somewhat aggressively twisting and turning their direction, searching for a place to rest. The trees and leaves all different shades of warm colour's, coming into Autumn. Yellow, orange, red, sometimes even small little specks of brown indicating that its almost their time up in this cruel, yet beautiful world.

It's not really my job to judge on what others think of the world.

They may think that it's beautiful, loving, and that everyone deserves a second chance in life. wanting everyone to have peace and purity in the world, not knowing that they are the purest thing, and that anyone could ever ask for in this dark world.

Hence why we must protect them, and shield them from the ugly truth.

From the hell that we live in, the true hell, not the ones they make in story books, with lava and death everywhere. but, death isn't that far off either...then there's the dark

I may have been seen as jolly, happy, and carefree... But who is really like that without something haunting them?

Or someone.

Betrayal is all I felt.


Why would he do that?


What did we do?


When did he hate us?


Where did he go to make him change so drastically?


How did the robot even get there?



"Geez, finally! Matt you almost gave us all a heart attack! You weren't responding at all!" A familiar voice yells at me.

I look around, oh...whoops.

All 5 of my friends were looking at me with either sad, or worried expressions. Except one...Mark.

Mark and I never really got along, even though we look "Similar", though, I think I look much more Handsome than him. Who wants to date a guy with a butt-chin? I'm being to harsh, he's a nice guy once you get to know him. He's just quite, he always has been.

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