Chapter 6- Can you not?

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??? P.O.V:

Denmark? Is that where I live? I don't know Danish...only English. Did I move here? Am I a refugee? Or am I homeless? Either one sucks, I don't wanna live here.

As I recall, Denmark is supposed to be beautiful and full of life, not destroyed and a forgotten wasteland. Did something happen? Did something destroy it?

Or did someone destroy it?


Matt's P.O.V:


We finally got back to camp, but Joshua told Matilda and I to go hunting. No surprise there, he hates us. But anyways, we were just walking around the forest With my Shovel while Matilda had a bow and arrows. She's very excited to have chicken, god knows why.

"Come oooonnn Matty! We can find some chicken if you stop being such a party pooper and have fun!"

"You do know that chickens don't live in forests, right?"

"PPPFFTTTT, of course they do! What are you, Tam?"

"Might as well be."

"Well then, that's a big mood."

"Your face is a big mood."



I start running as fast as my long skinny legs can take me, as 'Tilda is right on my tail. We start throwing friendly insults at each other for a while as we run, but that quickly ends when I trip over something.


"Ouch, Matty, you okay?"

"Ow, yeah..sorta...what was that anyways?"

I look behind me and see a steel cylinder that had 'TH' Right side up. I get up with the help of Matilda and slowly walk over to it, before it started....Moving?

"What the heck..."

"Matilda, get your bow ready. We don't know what's in there."

"Then why the heck are you opening it???"

"This is a fanfic, nothing makes sense."


I continue walking over to the steel can looking thing, Before it started moving and-




"Can you please stop screaming-"



"Please oh my god-"




It all went silent after that.

I look up and see a girl with a dirty gray hoodie, with multiple stains of red, which I don't want to know about, staring at me with her slightly cracked cyan glasses on the rim of her nose. She has very messy dark brown hair, that compliments her dark skin. The rest of her body is sorta covered up by her... sitting? Yeah, sitting inside the can, which I can now see that reads 'THOT CAN', Uhhhhhh

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