Chapter 3- The Matter at hand

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And that's the story how I lost my virginity!


"Aye Eyepatch, you okay?" I turned to see Tony looking back at me, a face of worry on his face. Seriously, what's up and everyone being so sad and depressing?? Well, I can't really say anything. I literally just told a story about us getting into A Tornado, getting kidnapped, and getting my two closes friends memories erased, and I STILL don't know where they are.

"Yeah, just wondering where my friends are right now." I quickly lied. Not wanting to explain to him why I was talking about losing my virginity....

"Pffftt, dude you worry too much. If that "Tom" Guy is like Tamara, then I'm pretty sure he's fine. That crazy woman can knock someone out if she wanted to."

"Heh, I guess you're right." I responded to him. This bed in uncomfortable as fuck. It's like waking up from a 6 month coma, but in the whole duration of that coma, you were sitting up-right on a stiff-ass chair made out of stone. Homey, I know.

I tried sitting up, but I quickly get interrupted by a shot of pain going through my neck and back.


"WOAH WOAH WOAH! My god dude call your tits. Your leg is still sprained eyepatch." UGGghhHHH, oh yeah, and if you're wondering.

Let's have a little Flashback, hm?


My eye hurts...

Why doesn't it stop??

I try to open my eye, but a wave of pain over came me as I screamed...

I open my other eye, looking down I see blood stained cobble.

I t 's s o r e d

~~Flashback end~~

Yeeeaaaahhhhh, my eye ended up having to get amputated. Hurt so damn much though. I don't anyone getting disturbed by a FUCKING HOLE IN MY FACE so I made a handcrafted eyepatch with a bunch of leaves and vines. Some of the children tie in some small delicate flowers to make me "Remember my beauty". Never thought kids could be so inspiring and kind...unlike me.

I killed my BEST FRIEND'S "Dad".

Turns out when I was searching for supplies, we found an abandoned hospital and went in. You know, what any sane person would do. Go into a possible haunted hospital and get murdered like in the movies.

It turns out it was the same hospital that Tom was born in, and I found out that his mother died of childbirth. So Tom's father; "Duncan", what kind of name is that? had to take care of himself. But before he even got out of the hospital, A psycho man was running around killing all the women, or men who had newborns because his Wife had a miscarriage, and died.

Tom's dad ended up being one of the victims, but kept Tom alive for some cruel reason. Was it to see him suffer in the future? Was it because he wanted him alive? I still wonder.

I obviously don't know what happened afterwards, cause that's all that the paper's said. Then again, I don't think it's a doctor, nor nurses job to look into private information. Maybe Tom went to an orphanage? No, then he would've had real parent's... I'm getting off topic.

"I am so done with you and zoning out. It's like you're talking to yourself sometimes!"

"Your not that far off my good sir."

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