Chapter 17 - A Magical and Merry Christmas to All!

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Our dreams are rising and our hearts are singing! Aikatsu Dreams is about to begin!



"It's almost Christmas!" I cheered, jumping up into the air.

Christmas, my favourite holiday! The school had put up the Christmas tree, at the cafeteria there were some delicious Christmas snacks, and the school was decorated with Christmas decorations and ornaments.

"I can't believe that there's only a few days till Christmas!" Miru grinned happily.

"The year has really flown by, hasn't it?" Hanaka stated, gazing at the sky.

"Definitely" Kazuna agreed.

"Do you girls wanna go to town and celebrate tonight? A bunch of people are going!" I told my friends.

Everyone beamed. "Yeah!"

"And how about we perform together again?" Kazuna suggested.

"We can ask if we can put on a live in town! Hopefully they'll say yes!" Miru said.

"Obviously they'll say yes, because I, Hanaka the best, is here!" Hanaka flicked her hair.

"Let's go then!"


"Really? We can perform?" Miru questioned, blinking. "I didn't expect it to be this easy..."

"Of course! I own the outdoor stage, and having four aspiring idols will bring a lot of attention! Though most people will be at Epiphany and Just Soar's live" the manager said.

"I forgot about their live show!" Miru said.

"You and your memory..." Hanaka rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, thank you ma'am!" Kazuna said, pushing Hanaka and Miru out of the way.

My eyes were sparkling as we made our way back to school. I was a tad bit disappointed to not be able to see Epiphany's live, but I would definitely watch it when I got back from our live!

I was also hoping that I would meet Epiphany personally, especially Asami! I wanted to thank them for what they've taught me this past year. I've grown into a better idol because of their help!

"Oh yeah! Should we go Christmas shopping for the Secret Santa?" Kazuna said, interrupting my thoughts.

The school had decided to host a Secret Santa this year, so all the first year students from both divisions all drew out a single name. I got Miru, and I knew exactly what to get her! Anything related to a stegosaurus! I had already gotten her present actually. Her present was a stegosaurus plushie, a stegosaurus squishy, a stegosaurus notebook, and I even found some pencils with adorable stegosaurus erasers on top.

Kazuna had secretly told me who she had got since she didn't know what to get him. She had pulled out Kaito's name.

Hanaka had pulled out Yuto's name. She seemed to already know what she was gonna get for him.

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