
Now I lay on my bed, Lilith somewhere in the kitchen, controlling what I'm allowed to eat. After hours of dressing up, she got bored and decided to make herself busy by trashing the non-healthy food away. My phone was in my hand as I waited for a call.

If I called, Lilith would know. If I sent a text, she would know. How? I don't know.

Either way, I need to receive a call. Kazuto needs to tell me if Nagisa's safe. The demon who's contracted to my son is dangerous, like all demons, and I need to know that Nagisa's safety is ensured.

I gripped the phone harder as the minutes passed by and no call has been received, my anxiety had me imagining the worst possible scenarios. Was my son's soul devoured? Was he being tortured? Was he even alive? My heart thrashed in my chest because of my anxiety, and I didn't know how to make it slow down. Did breathing help? I'm already breathing, and it isn't working!

One, two, three minutes pass by. No call.

Four, five, six more...

I waited and waited while feeling like the oxygen that entered my system was toxic. Too much thinking had my head hurting, I felt myself sweating too. But I wasn't hot, I was cold.

Out of the blue, a hand was pressed against my forehead. It was Lilith. How? I didn't even hear her? I had it in my head that I was going to swat her hand away, but my body betrayed my mind. I could only stare at her, noticing how her obsidian eyes narrowed and how she bit her lip.

"Aw, my shiny play-thing is sick..."

Sick? No... I can't be sick! I forced my body to move, to get up, but she pushed me down.

"Nuh-uh, you need rest, Hiromi-chan," her sugary sweet voice made me want to gag. "I'll take good care of you, okay honeybun?"

Her sharp grin was the last thing I saw before everything drifted away.
Nagisa's POV:

The feeling of dread prickled at my skin, causing me to shiver. I blinked a few times, frowning at the sudden discomfort, but after a moment, I paid no mind to it. I needed to pay attention to Koro-Sensei's lecture, otherwise my grades will plummet. But... With everything that's been happening as of late, I find it difficult to focus. The smallest of things steal my attention, even that stupid fly buzzing out and about looked more interesting than what the octopus-demon was saying.

My mind wandered off to what's been going on with dad... and his relationship with Haruka. I still didn't know how to respond verbally to that. It was frustrating to say the least. What's even more frustrating is the fact that more people know about Karma. I know that nothing else could be done, and that time can't be rewound no matter how much I wanted it to... but that didn't stop me from worrying.

And then there's the thing with Karma. I seriously want to put all of the blame on him, that it's his fault that my emotions are everywhere, but is it though? I recognized the strange feeling I got whenever I had intimate moments with him, it was a familiar feeling, but I can't remember when it is that I've felt it before. All I know is that it's a dangerous feeling to have, especially since I know it's wrong.

What's worse is that I know it's wrong, and I still like it.

In all honesty, I don't know what to make about it, considering that the mere thought of forming something as simple as friendship is considered a sin, in both the human world and hell. And hell is the place where sins are accepted. The irony.

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