Your Soul ~ XXI

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It's midnight right now. Too excited to not publish and go to sleep. Also, I left a hidden message in the chapter, find it and tell me what it is in the comments! It's pretty obvious...

(Kazuto's POV)

"I think he didn't take the news too well..."

     "You think?"

Haruka released a heavy breath, then placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a firm grip. "I would have reacted the same way." She stared at me with softened eyes. "From what you told me over the phone... I can understand what and how he's feeling."

     "Yes, I know, but it still sucks, you know? All this time he's wanted me to go back to his mother... it makes me feel terrible for moving on." I looked away from her chocolate brown eyes, already feeling the shame creeping up to my face. I dislike showing the horrible parts of me to her.

"Do you regret meeting me?"

     "Sorry?" I stared at her incredulously, baffled by what she said. "No, never. You're the best thing that's ever happened! Without you, I'd still be that grumpy man going out at midnight to slay demons..."

"You still go out at midnight to slay demons."

     "Only when I'm needed!" I looked away. "But really, I don't regret meeting you. You're the love of my life."

Haruka giggled, the sound coming out so pure and innocent. "So are you." She tugged at my sleeve, causing me to meet her gaze. "I suggest you talk to him. If he understands things from your perspective, he'll understand why you can't return to his mother."

Somehow, her suggestion made my stomach drop. "Are you certain?" I am unsure if that will make things better. "What if he despises me more than he already does?" The thought of my son hating me brought a bitter taste to my mouth. Sure, I haven't been the greatest father out there, but unlike some, I care deeply about my flesh and blood.

My lover looked at me as if I grew another head. "How do you know he despises you?" She asked. "He seemed content during dinner, he didn't seem uncomfortable nor hostile whenever he was near you," she informed, smiling gently at me. "He's fond of you, from what I could see."

     "I don't know... I might just make things worse. My relationship with him is fragile as it is."

"You won't know until you try. Now go."

I don't respond. I stayed there for longer than a minute, wondering if I should, or shouldn't take her suggestion to heart. Though, when I looked into her eyes, I saw how they narrowed into the deadliest glare I have ever seen, I immediately made my way to Nagisa's room. That woman is scary!

When I was a few feet away from the room Nagisa is staying in, my legs stiffened. Honestly, I'm a man, aren't I? So why aren't I acting like one?! I released a shaky breath, rubbing my hands together to get rid of the anxiousness that was taking over.

Just a few more steps and I'll be in front of the door. Okay... easier said than done. I made my way to the door and knocked although with some hesitation. But then I remembered. Didn't Nagisa say he was going to bed? He has school tomorrow... Damn it all...

Might as well go back.

A creaking noise made me stop just as I was about to go back to the living room. I turned back and saw a blob of blue peering outside the door. His eyes landed on me. I didn't move, nor did I speak.

The boy blinked. "Um... yes?" His voice sounded rather hoarse.

     "Sorry... did I wake you?"

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