Your Soul ~ XI

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That pic is freaking awesome

(Karma's POV)

I took ahold of the bluenet kneeled on the floor, pulling him to his feet and heading out of the apartment. Maybe some fresh air will help this little human calm his nerves.

It was silent as we walked down the sidewalk, hand in hand, the feeling of hunger growing little by little. Maybe I can find a decent soul to devour later on... There was silence between us, but around us you could hear the faint songs of the crickets, the cries and howls of dogs in the distance...the boy beside me embraced my arm, burying his face in my side.

" you think mom is possessed?" He mumbled. "You've seen how she is twenty-four/seven...she's never acted like that....not since--" he coughed, cutting himself off.

The cold is probably getting to him...I forgot that humans get sick easily. When he stopped coughing, he cleared his throat. "Sorry."

"It's fine," I said, halting in my tracks. He stared up at me, his head tilted to the side.

I separated from him, removing my sweater and draping it over his shoulders, covering his head with the hood. He should warm up faster now, since my body temperature is higher than human body temperature, this has to do with the fact that I'm a fire demon. "There..." I zipped it up and hooked my arm with his, continuing our walk.

"Thanks, but won't you get cold?" He asked in to most innocent tone I've ever heard.

"Nope. Fire demon, remember that?"

"Oh right. Damn memory of mine..."

We stopped at a clearing. There was this clearing just as you passed the apartments, it was evenly sized though there weren't many trees. It's possible that the human constructors were going to expand the apartments, therefore this clearing wasn't going to be here in the future. It's best to enjoy it while it's still here.

I intertwined our hands and pulled him along, he squealed when I picked him up, throwing him over my shoulder.

"No! Put me down..!" He giggled lightly punching at my back. "Karma I'm gonna fall!!"

I grinned, but he couldn't see me. "Yeah, for me!"

It's too bad I couldn't see his reaction, but he seemed to have stopped moving for a second before snorting out loud. "Hah, right good luck with that."

I jogged further into the clearing, stopping right under a tree that had a red 'x' on it, meaning that it was gonna be cut down soon. Though, instantly a metallic scent surrounded the area. I put Nagisa down, my eyes searching for the source of the all too familiar scent, the scent of blood. Nagisa giggled a bit, and was about to make a joke (I assume) but stopped himself when he saw my expression. He didn't utter a word, just kept his eyes fixed on me.

There were a few more trees in the area, all with 'x's on them, the scent was strong in that area. So I followed it, the boy keeping a close distance. The blood smelled tainted. My feet led me towards its source.

A man in his late sixties, leaning against a tree, a hand clutching over his abdomen which had blood as dark as the night gushing out. Nagisa stepped on a twig, his body tensing up at the sound. The injured human's eyes locked onto mine, going wide as he inspected me. He moved forward, a knife in hand, and out of instinct, I pushed Nagisa behind me, shielding him with my body.

He's a demon hunter.

"S-stay back, demon!" He choked out. His feet failed him as he took another step, resulting in him crashing to the ground with a loud grunt. Nagisa gasped from behind me, and rushed to his side. I didn't stop him. That man was hurt, his body too weak and injured to inflict any harm. I crouched down beside him, watching as he wheezed in attempt to catch his breath.

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