1k? NO WAY!

2K 58 18

Are my eyes deceiving me?! IS THIS REAL?!?!?! OH MY GAWD?!?!?!!?!?! This book has 1k reads? Like what?! WHEN DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN?!

I can't express how happy I am???? Like, I seriously can't???

Thank you all, you have absolutely no idea how I'm feeling right now, LIKE HOW AND WHEN?!?! Ahhh I just can't, all I can say is thank you, all of you!!!

Wanna know a secret?

This book was inspired by another anime. Not sure if anyone knows it but yeah, it's Blue Exorcist, aka, Ao No Exorcist. (It's really good, watch it if you haven't already)

I'm a sucker for storylines similar to that one, and I thought "hey why not make an assassination classroom version?"

And yeah, that's how this came into the light.

To be honest, I wasn't expecting to get this far, it's a miracle that I'm still writing this book....since I lose interest in my stories fairly easy, and I get writers block easily as well.

But yeah, again, thanks. Just seeing that people actually read this, makes me so very happy. Happy beyond words.


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