Your Soul ~ XV

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Hello from the other side~!

(Hiromi's POV)

The moment they walked out those doors, I crumbled to the floor. Panting and clutching onto my shirt. Keeping her from controlling me is exhausting for my mind, I thank god for lasting this long. I forced myself to my feet, cringing at how my body felt like jello and how my feet felt as if they were anchors. I thought back to my baby boy...wishing for his safety. That demon...his appearance was that of a teenager, but I know he's most likely older than a millennia. He claimed nothing would happen to Nagisa, I hope what he said is true.

One can never trust a demon, they are horrid creatures, only interested in human souls. I suppose threatening him was a mistake. But I guess what surprised me the most was that he told me not to hurt my son. Either he actually cares about Nagisa, which is unlikely, or he's only being protective of his prey. Either way, once I figure out how to get rid of my...problem, I'll find a way to retrieve Nagisa from that demon's clutches.

I managed to drag myself to the restroom, hands gripping onto the porcelain sink. My arms trembled from the force I was using to keep myself up. How did I manage to last this long? With a release of breath, I raised my gaze to stare at my reflection. I shrieked and jumped back. My heart racing at a fast pace. The sound of laughing echoed in my mind, she was laughing. I stared with wide eyes at what was supposed to be my reflection.

Long black hair with silver blue highlights, tanned skin that looked as smooth as a baby's. And almond shaped eyes that were black as obsidian. That was most definitely not my reflection. The image behind the mirror cackled, her lips that were a deep red trembled with each laugh. Horrified, I took a step back. She stopped her crazed laughter. Wiping away a stray tear and taking in a few breaths before locking her eyes onto mine. She looked at me from top to bottom before turning her smile upside down.

"Aww, don't you recognize me? I thought we were close, Hiromi-chan~"

Her shrill voice brought chills. Her was in my head. Is that her true form? With hesitation, I stepped forward. Returning to my previous position, hands on sink, eyes on mirror. It was strange seeing her like that, it's always been a voice...never have I actually seen her.

     "You're that voice..." I mumbled, my eyes narrowing as I scrutinized her form. "Is this your true form?"

"Hmm? Oh, no it's not! It's only one of many." She chimed, clapping her hands together. "This one is less likely to scare you."

She has more than one form? What is she anyways..? Her form is human, but if that's one of many, what does that make her? A changeling? Those things don't exist though...but then again, I don't know for sure. She doesn't seem dangerous, but, I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. As nice and harmless she may seem on the outside, the inside may tell a different story.

     "Why aren't you trying to control me?" I asked with an arched brow. "Why are you revealing yourself to me? What's your purpose? Your true intentions? What is it that you wan—"

"Easy there, mama bear." She cut me off. "Too many question for my liking. One at a time, but have in mind, just because you ask...doesn't mean I'll answer." Her eyes were cold as they stared at me. "To answer your first question, I don't see the point. There's nobody here for me to torment through you."

I glared at her, my hands clenching into fists. I'm so glad I sent Nagisa away. She's an abomination. "Alright, little miss termite. Answer the second question."

The ravenette licked her blood-stained lips, her eyes glimmering. "It's about time you knew, darling. It's time you realize what you're dealing with." She giggled, dragging a finger from her chin down to her collarbone. "My name is Lilith."

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