"She should be at her tree house. She told me that's where I could find her if I needed to inform her on anything big." Jill informed me. I nodded as I followed her along the path.

"You remember that charm thing that I had to work on?" I asked her as I ran up to her, catching up to her fast pace. She looked over at me and nodded.

"Yeah well I don't think I have it yet." Jill laughed.

"Well too bad lost boy because we are here." She replied pointing up to a tree that we had just stopped at. At first I could not see anything as I looked up at the tree but then my eyes shifted slightly and I saw the boarded wood where a small little wooden tree house sat.

"How do we get up there then? A rope ladder I hope." I responded hopefully. Jill chuckled.

"Why can't you climb up there on your own lost boy? Isn't that what lost boys are trained to do? Do the impossible." I gave her a strange look.

"No actually, the only one who can do such things is Pan. All we can do is hunt and protect the island."

"Well it seems like you lost boys have lost your strength then." A voice from behind me spoke out. I quickly turned around and saw myself face to face with a fairy in human form. She had bright blond hair that was tied up and her arms were crossed giving her an angry look.

"What is a lost boy doing here Jill? When I said you can come over here to talk to me I said to do so without anyone else here."

Jill walked forward slightly, blocking me between the fairy.

"He is a friend of Lottie’s. And he might be of some use to us. That is of course if he works his ways around Pan."

"Which he won't be able to do Jill, you know that. We don't need another Chuck situation right? And the fact that he is a friend of Lottie’s is just another reason why we should not do such a thing." Tinkerbelle replied hastily.

"I may not know all about this Chuck guy, but I can at least say that the only reason why I am here is for Lottie. Otherwise I would be back at camp helping Pan keep Henry safe. I'm not in to this whole save Henry thing. Only save Lottie."

Jill looked back at me with a death glare. I guess telling the truth is not exactly a way to use charm...

"So you're saying that as long as Lottie is safe you are fine with staying as a lost boy." Tinkerbelle asked in a darker voice, taking a few steps toward me as she spoke. I nodded stepping back as I did so. Jill noticing that the conversation was going south stepped in between us and stared down at the fairy.

"Tink. Do you really think that I would put you in danger like this for no apparent reason. We both have the same goal. To save Henry and Lottie. You have to trust me on this one. With his help we can finally have someone inside Pan's camp."

The fairy thought about what Jill said quickly and I saw her take a deep breath before nodding finally in agreement.

Militant (Sequel to Warrior)Where stories live. Discover now