Re!F17 Hermione x Reader

Start from the beginning

Dear Diary,

You won't believe what happened today! So I waiting in the gardens because well it seems silly but I found a note on my balcony. It was tied to the leg of a snowy owl who looked a lot like y/n's owl Jareth. The note attached simply said:

Meet me in the garden after curfew. I am on patrol tonight.


My mind went crazy when I saw this because well, y/n's last name is Morgenstern, and I've seen her write letters sometimes and she always signs off with M. Wait, she signs as M. Y/n is M!


Twas a warm Sunday morning, Hermione had been studying up until midnight on Saturday night for the upcoming charms assignment. She sat up groggily not fully being able to concentrate Hermione could faintly hear the scratching of claws on her dorm room window. She pulled herself out of bed, feet dragging every step as her eye adjusted to the bright light streaming through the window.

She opened the window allowing the thing scratching at in finally, she was surprised because the minute it flew inside the room, the owl slowly transformed into a girl, her smirk haunting Hermione's dream at night, the devilish charm that exuded from Y/n Morgenstern was known well all through the school. the other girl looked over at Hermione, a rare smile crossed her face. Y/n's family were known for the trademark smirk of knowing something no one else does. Her brother more so than her, but still. It made Hermione's heart swell with an odd joy that she could bring on that adorable goofy smile to her girlfriends face. "Hellllooooooooo."

Hermione smiled to herself as she walked over, trying to swish her hips in a sexy way but instead she ended up waddling like a duck, not that y/n minded. Hermione threw her arms around her girlfriend's neck, the oversized shirt Hermione had slept in inched up her thighs as her arms when higher. She brought y/n lips down to her's while standing on her tiptoes, of course, y/n had worn the high heeled boots. Sure Hermione loved the way they looked on her going up past her girlfriend's knees but they made her annoyingly taller.

Hermione ran her tongue along y/n lips, they tasted like her vanilla lip balm, she loved the way her lips tasted and reached to deepen the kiss. When y/n wouldn't let her in Hermione reached around and lightly smacked her girlfriends ass, causing y/n to gasp. Hermione slipped her tongue through she slowly backed her girlfriend into her bed. When the backs of y/n's knees hit the matres Hermione pulled away long enough to push y/n's chest.

She was trying to just push her onto the bed, but y/n flinched into herself. She was gripping her chest in pain. "Y/n! are you okay? Babe what's wrong." When she saw how y/n reacted all other thoughts left her mind, her girlfriend was in pain that was all that mattered.

Y/n's eyes were scrunched up in pain, she could feel blood leaking from the bandage wrapped around her stomach, it was only a superficial wound, nothing serious. It still hurt like hell. "What's wrong, I can't help if you won't tell me." Hermione brought her girlfriend's hand up to kiss it.

Y/n knew she couldn't hide something like this from Hermione, so she reached down and drew her plaid shirt up. The thick material was supposed to protect her from the claws of Hermione's cat, at least that's what she said. Hermione saw the bandages underneath when she unbuttoned the shirt. Y/n watched as panic came over Hermione's face as she saw the blood blooming red like a rose across the stark white bandage.

"I'm sorry Mione, I can't right now. I have something I need to go do, I'll see you for patrol tonight." Hermione was too shocked with the low tone in which y/n had spoken, she couldn't do anything, she just stayed squatted down by her bed not moving.

A month later.....

Ron was sick of it, all Hermione talked about anymore was y/n, it had gotten worse over the past month. He could tell even Harry was getting sick of it. Something happened between y/n and Hermione, but she wouldn't tell them what it was only that y/n wasn't being herself and was avoiding her. The sixth-year had no classes with the trio so it was surprisingly easy for her, Hermione had even tried to seek out Johnathan, y/n's seventh-year brother but he wasn't willing to talk to Hermione about his sister. "I'm getting really worried Ron. She isn't well, I just want to check on her." Hermione had been moping in the common room staring at that bloody red book.

This was it, enough was enough! "Y'know Hermione, maybe y/n has just gotten bored of you. You know what those two are like other people are toys to them, the kind you throw away when you're done with them. Don't you think Y/n is sick of how much you pine for her?" Ron practically yelled at Hermione, in the middle of the hallway, with Johnathan nearby. Not a smart idea.

Hermione's eyes started to go blurry like she was wearing Harry's dirty glasses, but she wasn't. Tears welled up in her eyes but somehow through all them, she saw a flash of y/c hair swish as someone ran off. If Hermione hadn't turned it would have been lost in the crowd. Y/n had been standing behind her and heard everything Ron said.

The Gryffindor girl set off at a run down the corridor. Harry glared at Ron before following suit. Y/n's chest was heaving but she couldn't stop now. She ran through the maze of hedges and trees and people, she ran past Hagrid's hut until she got to the edge of the Black Forest. Not thinking about who might be following y/n dove into the forest.

Her feet found the trampled path easily while those following her footsteps had some trouble. She ran expertly through the trees before she came to her clearing.

The y/c haired girl collapsed in the entrance sobs wracking her body. A small coal grey dragon waddled over to the sobbing figure. Y/n had named it Magpie.

It was astonishing to watch as Harry and Hermione stood hiding just on the edge of the clearing. The small dragon wandered over to y/n and let out a series of clumsy clicking noises. It was only a baby but they knew it was talking.

The air was still and silent. The trio all felt as if they were intruding on an incredibly intimate moment, as he took a step back a deafening crunch was heard all through the clearing when Harry stood on a stick.

Y/n's head whipped around to face the trio. The look of pure and absolute betrayal was painted across the girls face. Hermione wasn't meant to find out like this, y/n had been training the dragon she was so excited to show her girlfriend, they were nearly out of Hogwarts and y/n had a surprise planned. Magpie, the dragon, was going to present Hermione with a promise ring. The y/c haired girl had it all planned out for the pairs anniversary in three weeks. 

She would take Hermione to the nice spot in the forbidden forest, where they shared their first kiss, they would have a picnic and then Maggie would come tottering over the ring tied to her collar. Y/n would get down on one knee and make a promise to Hermione she had been looking forward to since she first met the brunette.

It wasn't meant to go like this. 

A/n: I started writing this ages ago and I Finally finished it! So happy with it I will likely write a sequel in the future but until then. Thank you so much my lovelies, I can't believe we have over 51k views!!! 1480 words!

This book was only ever meant to be a side project but I fell I love with these characters as much as you guys did so thank you, thank you so fricken much!

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