@Pearls_Queen's Interview!

Start from the beginning

@N : What are the first words that come to your mind after reading the following:-

A) Family: Life

B) Best Friend: Love

C) Internet: Friends

D) Human: Creations of Allah (S.W.T)!

E) The world today: Cruel

F) Wattpad : Addictive

G) Writing: Passion ♥

@N : Do you know how to cook? If yes. What is your best and worst experience of cooking?

Well I know basics but I am on a learning stage. I don't have a best experience yet but many worst experiences. They are not so worse like something funny. There are simple mistakes which almost everyone commits while learning something and from our mistakes only we learn and grow.

@N : How did you develop the interest for reading?

Honestly speaking, I was not a bibliophile before I joined Wattpad but when I joined Wattpad, when I read so many beautiful books then I became so addicted to reading that I would always ended up reading the whole book in one day itself. My exams were near when I joined Wattpad so reading was very distracting. In that time, it was very difficult to leave reading and concentrate on studies but I had to do as it was my 12th. Wattpad have taught me so many things which I had no knowledge before.

@N : Any Country you want to visit? And Why?

There are many countries that I want to visit but I will state a few only.

One of the most top country that I always want to visit again and again is Saudi Arabia. This country is just my most favorite country ever. Why I want to go there because the city of Mecca and Medina are so beautiful and I feel so peace sitting in the Haram. SubhanAllah! The feeling is just speechless. The peace that I feel there is something which I can never feel anywhere else in the world. After all it's a home of Allah that I am talking about.. SubhanAllah! May Allah SWT call each and every one of us, Aameen ya rabbul Aalameen ♥.

Second is Paris because of Effel Tower, lol.

Third; New York because it's a beautiful.

@N : City or Village life?

City ♥️

@N : Ever pranked someone? Share that with us.

Yes, I pranked someone when I was in grade 1st. I prank my teacher in school. Lol! It was too much fun. My cousin brother and me were in same class so he had a snake toy with him and that snake looks so real and it used to walk also. So one day we took that in school to scare our friends and many got scared. Our class teacher was a friendly person so she used to joke with us. So we both planned a prank to scare our teacher and when she asked to keep our notebook for checking in a pile so we put a snake between our notebooks and submitted them for checking. When our notebook came into her view, she started screaming so much and she was screaming our names and whole class started laughing. My cousin went and took the snake away from her. She didn't scolded us but laughed at her own. This is my most favorite memory of my school life and she was my favorite teacher.

@N : Ever did anything stupid? Share if you like..

To be honest, I have done many times but I don't remember any. Lol!

@N : Does colour affect your mind? How?

Uhm, never paid attention to it.

@N : Are you good in compromising?

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