I'm Coming

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Sick of all these people talking
Sick of all this noise
Tired of all these cameras flashing
Sick of being poised
Now my neck is open wide
Begging for a fist around it
Already choking on my pride
So there's no use crying about it
- Castle, Halsey

Sick of all these people talkingSick of all this noiseTired of all these cameras flashingSick of being poisedNow my neck is open wideBegging for a fist around itAlready choking on my prideSo there's no use crying about it- Castle, Halsey

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It's been a week since I've been training with Doctor Strange. He's been teaching me how I could improve on my magic. A few tricks that he's read through his books. At first, I thought it was going to be like Malchior. The wizard/dragon who used my to get free from his book. But Strange wasn't like that. He's actually helping me. The only thing he's not helping me with is my emotions. He wants me to feel something. Feel something and use that to tap into my powers. Or at least have control of my powers when I'm actually feeling something.

He tried getting me mad. He tried making me happy. He tried making me laugh, which was pointless. He stopped after yesterday. Somehow I thought I'd be annoyed with this apprentice thing, but I'm not. Training, reading, having a bit of piece and quiet. It wasn't all that bad. Strange even introduced me to his friend, Wong.

Strange even told me a little about his life before he became a  Master of the Mystical Arts.How he actually was a doctor before his accident that ruined his career...and his hands. That's why he was always wearing those gloves, to cover up the scars.

Don't get me wrong, I have a little more respect for the man. I just hate whenever he does that scenery change thing. First day of training, I ended up waking up on top of the mountain. Then, he changed it to where I was trapped in that mirror thing with water surrounding me. If I took one wrong move, I would have drowned.

"Close your eyes," Strange instructed. I sighed but listened. I closed my eyes. "Now I want you to picture your happiest moment in your life. Any moment in life. It could be from where you were little. It could be yesterday. It could be back when you were with your old team."

I opened one eye. "I told you I'm not talking about them."

"And I told you I've been keeping an eye on those who oppose a threat to this world."

"Am I still on that list?"

"Yes, you are. But if it's any consolation, you have been bumped down." He stood in front of me. "Now I want you to concentrate. Close your eyes and concentrate." I rolled my eye before closing it.

My happiest moment I could think of. Well, nothing at the moment. Sure, I have happy moments. But I can't pick what moment I was at my happiest.

"You're failing," Strange said.

I didn't open my eyes. "Well, excuse me for trying to figure out when I'm at my happiest."

I heard something click. "Hey, Raven," I heard Peter's voice. I opened my eyes to see Strange holding my communicator in his hand. "I wanted to check up on you. When I woke up, you weren't there. I didn't know if you recovered and left or someone kidnapped you when you were sleeping."

I glared at Strange. "Why do you have my communicator?" I reached for it, but Strange held it back as Peter's video message played again.

"Which sounds stupid if I'm saying it out loud. I mean, I have spider senses. I could tell if someone is sneaking in my room." I reached for my communicator again, but Strange made it disappear. This time he waved his hand and had the video play on the clock tower. Peter was in his room when he scratched the back of his neck. "And I was hoping you'd still be here when I woke up 'cause I really wanted to ask you something. I thought it be better if it was in person than over the phone." He nodded. "Feel free to stop by anytime. My window will always be open." 

Strange gave me a look when the video ended. "Why play that message?" I asked.

He crossed his arms. "I know you've been keeping track of him."

"Because he's Tony's little protege," I answered. "If anything happens to him that's on me."

"Oh, really?" Strange placed his hands behind his back. "Like the attack in DC. When you wanted to leave to head over."


"Raven, that was before the attack happened." Strange changed the scenery again. This time we were in my room. He held up a picture of Peter. "I don't know if you see it, but this boy...he's your happiness."

I rolled my eyes. "I laughed at him once and apparently he's the one I'm happy to be around," I said sarcastically.

Strange rolled his eyes as he moved his hands around. This small bubble came up and there was a small scene with me and Peter at Berlin during the fight. When I threw the walkway towards the side to get it off Peter. Then it changed when Peter came and helped me up.

"Like I've said, I've been studying you -" he started.

"Because that's not creepy at all," I mumbled.

"- the only time you have a hint of caring about someone is when you're with this boy. Not your friends, him." The video changed again to the night Strange brought me to Peter's house. I was fast asleep and I started tossing and turning. Peter got up and tried to wake me, but I used my magic to throw his lamp across the room. Then Peter went to shake my shoulder and I calmed down. I furrowed my brows when I saw me scooting closer to him and saw him wrapping his arm around me. I don't remember that. "Even here. Your lost control for a second. This Peter only gave you a light touch and you're calm."

I looked at the small bubble again. This warm feeling came inside my chest again. I wanted to smile. I really do, but I can't.

I shook my head. "There's nothing special about this kid. He was just taking care of me after you left me at his door step."

Strange sighed disappointingly before pulling my communicator out. "Will you answer this? Your friend, Tony, has been calling non-stop."

I gave him a look as I snatched my communicator. "What?" I snapped when I answered.

"Really? You're the one snapping at me," Tony said. "I should be the one snapping at you. You leave for a week without leaving a note or letting anyone know where you're going." It looked like he was in his Iron Man suit. "Not to mention you missed an incredible party in India."

"What do you want, Tony?" I asked.

"Well, for one, your boyfriend messed with his suit." He's not my boyfriend. "Two, when I called him, he said he was at band practice."

I furrowed my brows. "Weird. He told me he quit band six weeks ago." Tony gave me a look. "Don't ask."

"Fine, I won't. But you need to come to Queen with me. Who know what that kid is up to? I could use the backup."

Peter lying to Tony. Yeah, he really is up to something. I looked at Strange to see him rolling his eyes before opening a portal.

"I'll be right there," I said.

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