Chapter XIII

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Song: Zayde Wolf ft. Ruelle- We Walk Through The Fire

Chapter 13

B r e n d a

A phone rings, snapping me out of my gaze and away from the window I've been coming back to this past hour. I glance around the living room and head to the couch where my phone lies, but just as my fingers graze the screen the ringing stops, and the sound of a car pulling up on the driveway draws my attention.

I head to the window again, pulling the curtains slightly away from one another and peck through the crack only to find Linda and Derek outside laughing along the way.

"How's your arm?"

He flexes his arm and smirks "It's good now. Nothing to worry about. Why, were you worried?"

Linda laughs and shakes her head yet even with the makeup I can still see the blush decorating her cheeks, and I bet Derek can too.

"Of course I was but not the reason you think. I was only asking because that was quite a land. Besides, we don't want our famous linebacker to miss the football game this week," He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck.

"Guess we don't."

My phone rings again causing me to jump and hit the window, drawing the attention of Derek and Linda. I back away and pull my phone from my back pocket and check the name.

The words Mount Ridge stares back at me. I hear Derek and Linda's goodbyes as well as the door opening and closing, but I ignore it and answer the call while I make my way to the kitchen.

"Hello, is this Brenda?" The woman on the other line says, panic and concern evident in her voice.

"Yes, what's going on?" I ask. Linda walks in, annoyance etched on her face but whatever she sees on mine causes her features to turn serious, and worry.

"The lawyer told me that if anything unusual happened to let you and your parents know," I nod, but of course she can't see me. "Yes, I was informed that but what happened?" I try to keep my voice steady, yet something about this call causes me to become nervous. They never called not when Linda was there. So why now?

"Someone a few minutes ago called and asked about Linda's status." An uneasy feeling begins to course through my veins, causing me to swallow hard. "I asked for a name, but the person would not provide it, and when I told her that Linda was fine I asked for her name once more, but she hung up." The secretary explains.

"Do you have the number?" I ask.

"No, it was a private number." I run a hand through my hair and down my face "well thanks for informing me." I hang up and glance at Linda who's still rooted to her spot.

"What happened?"

I let out a sigh debating if I should tell her or not but like she mentioned before, she deserves to know what's going on and this is something I can't keep hidden.

"Someone called...asking for you." Her eyes widen "Who was it?"

"They don't know. It was a private number."

She walks out of the kitchen, me following closely behind. We sit on the couch and she turns towards me yet doesn't meet my eyes. "Could it have been my parents?" she whispers.

My heart tightens for many reasons, but I shove the thoughts away.

"I don't think so," she looks up, and I can see a glimpse of hope fading in her eyes. "Nobody knows you were there only the lawyer, my parents, and me," I explain. This time I see fear, and I know my eyes hold that same fear. I grip my phone and call the lawyer, as I still look at Linda.

It rings three times before finally, he picks up "How can I help you Ms. White, its been years since your last call is everything alright?"

"We have a problem."


A knock and doorbell echo's in the house as I head to the living room and open the front door. Mr. Parker stands on the other side, dressed in his usual black suit, hands shoved into his front pockets. I open the door wider and gesture for him to come inside before closing it behind me and call Linda, who's been upstairs since that unexpected call.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I ask as he sits on the couch, resting his hands on his knees. He shakes his head "I'm good."

The sound of footsteps causes our attention to turn towards the steps where Linda now stands, dressed in her pajamas, face clear of makeup, and eye contacts off- showing her hazel eyes, which are directed to the lawyer sitting on the couch.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you." He says giving her a smile as he stands stands. She walks towards him and returns his smile. "It has."

They give each other a brief hug before separating and getting to the task at hand.

Linda sits on a chair while I take a seat on the couch next to the lawyer.

"Do have any idea of who that person could have been?" I ask. He shakes his head "We're on that now, but once we find out we'll let you two know."

Linda nods, but her shoulders look tense, not assured with his words.

"When are your parents coming back by the way?"

"Tomorrow or by the end of this week," I answer.

"Good, it's best if you girls don't stay alone. Try to stick together and not split up when you go out with friends. I know this might seems too much, but this is serious especially with the circumstances we're in."

"Are you sure my parents know about this?" He nods "I called and let them know."

"What about mine?" Linda whispers. Mr. Parker glances at me before shaking his head. "No."

Linda leans back into the chair, glancing up at the ceiling.

"Is there a way you can change my classes so I can be with her?" I ask. 

"I'm afraid not. I tried to do so, but you're halfway through the term, and they don't know about Linda, this could cause attention or chaos even." I nod "But if you want more safety I can get an officer to supervise this area, keep watch." 

"No," Linda speaks looking back at us "I don't think it's a good idea. People around here will start to wonder and ask questions. If they haven't already"

"but this is your safety we're talking about," I argue.

"I know that. I'm just trying to think of other options that don't involve us looking more questionable.

"Linda, you know-"

Mr. Parker raises a hand silencing us both before we got into an argument. 

"We'll just do this, if anything happens call the police and/or me not matter how small the detail may be. You have my number on speed dial don't you?"

I nod. 

"Alright, well it's best if I get going," He says glancing at his golden watch wrapped around his wrist.

I get up and walk him to the door, opening it, but before he steps out, he turns back "Linda."

She looks back at him, rising from her chair. "Everything is going to be alright," and with that, he walks out.  

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