Des itnity

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Des itnity

Hey! I just want to share our story. This is a bit long so I apologize. I'm not from UST but she was. First of all, she's older than me by 2 years. We met unexpectedly on this famous social networking site. (I won't mention which site.) We talked on Skype. We talked all day. We talked about random stuff. And in that short period of time, I liked her. I really did.

Unexpectedly, the next day, she bid her good-bye. Saying that I'm too young for her. I was so frustrated. I even wished, na sana hindi ko na lang siya nakilala. Because she was always on my head. I tried to stop it, but the idea of her popping in my head was just inevitable.

I just left her a message that I won't ever bother her again.

A year has passed of me being ridiculous. A year of expecting to bump into her. The wait was finished when that night came.

I came home from school, tired and feeling shitty, when my mom greeted me from the living room with visitors comfortably sitting on the couches. I was so tired that I just greeted them a good evening and went upstairs to get changed. We were eating dinner in the dining room, mom introduced the parents as her high school friends. That's when I turned my attention to the lady staring at me. It then clicked.

It was her.

After dinner, I approached her, not minding how nervous I was.

Me: Hey. Uh... were you the *insert name* I met on...
Her: What?
Me: Never mind. You probably just looked like her.
Her: That's me *insert my name* I never thought I'd never see you.

My beautiful and ever so stubborn fiancée. I just want to let you know that I love you, even though you kind of offended me 3 years ago that I'm too young for you. I love you with extra bacon and cheese. I love you with unli rice. There might be no forever, but there's a tomorrow that I'll always look forward to. Another day with you and our plans.


The UST FilesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang