~ Chapter 5~

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"This one or this? " Lucy asked holding a black and a red satin silk dresses. Surprisingly she thought I had a "great sense of fashion" not that I disagree with her, I was just a bit nervous. Like I mentioned before it was my first time shopping with a friend, ever and I realised I was just freaking out for no reason. So when we were in the car Luke got a phone call from his friend and had to go and help him out with some stuff, so he dropped us at the mall and went off.  

"The black one would look good on you." pointing out at the black one, "Just out of curiosity why are we shopping for these party dresses?" I asked causally. " Duh! Of course you can ask me anything, these are for the party we'll be attending tomorrow night." 

I got a little puzzled, "We? A party?" She face palmed herself and said "I'm sorry I forget to tell you about it. It's actually a family gathering sort of thing." She said examining the black dress from every angle. 

 "A family gathering? and you are going to wear that dress at a FAMILY GATHERING?" My eyes where about to pop out any minute, how can one wear a party dress to a family gathering? I mean back in town a usually wore formal dresses and skirts for any family event. 

She turned around, "Ty I'm not wearing this dress for the family gathering, this is for the after party we'll be going with my cousins." She said excitedly. 

"So you guys won't be there the whole day tomorrow?" I asked feeling a bit tensed because I don't know anyone in this huge city apart from them and having them around makes me feel safe.  She was looking for something inside her bag when she said, " Ty, the 'we'll be attending a family gathering' and 'we'll be going to the after party with my cousins' meant the three of us, you, me and Luke. "  

"You are kidding me, right? We just met yesterday and now you are taking me to your family gathering AND the after party too?" I asked completely surprised, this was new to me.

 "Yes, Ty! Of course, how could you even think I'll leave you alone in this big city all by yourself, you are coming with us. Period. " She was still searching for something inside her bag, and when she couldn't find it, she got frustrated and said, "Ty can I use your phone for a minute, I guess I forgot mine at home? " 

I was still processing the fact that she is such a thoughtful person and is ready to take me to her family event just because she doesn't wants me to be alone. I just handed her my phone without saying anything. I might just cry now, Oh my god I'm such a cry baby. Lucy is such a sweet person. Oh thank god for sending her to me! I was in my own little world, when she give me my phone back. I quickly hugged her and might've said Thank you a million times. "Lucy, I know you might think of me as a crazy person for over reacting  but you don't know how much this means to me. I had like zero friends in high school and you're taking me to meet your parents, which to me is incredible. Oh my god this is huge. But would they be okay ? Would Luke be fine with me coming? and what about your extended family? Lucy am I talking nonsense? If yes please tell me.. oh god, oh god .. I'll have to find an appropriate dress too..." 

I stopped when I heard Lucy laughing and everyone was looking at us now. " Shush Ty,  calm down and to answer your endless questions, yes my parents are completely cool with me getting my friends at a family event. In fact they would be so happy to meet you, trust me and Luke was the one who suggested me this idea. Let's get you something to eat first, later on I'll fill you up with details of my extended family ." 

On our way to the food court, I thought to myself  'It was how sweet of Luke! I mean he didn't have to I could've managed somehow but with Lucy and him around it just makes settling in New York a bit easier. At least I know that I've my friends with me.' The thought of friends made me smile. 

For many people it wouldn't be a big deal to meet their friends' parents, but for a girl who has never had a friend before, trust me it's a huge thing for her. Not to forget I'll be attending one of the after parties too I'm super excited about it because I've never been to a party at all and now I'll be attending a party at New York city. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me I'll be meeting my friend's parents and her cousins and also attending the PARTY! I'm feeling so giddy now and those tiny butterflies in my stomach. 

We reach the food court area and Lucy briefs me about whats her family like and I listen every attentively because I don't want to miss out on any information that she gives me and mess this up. 

So she begins with telling me about her parents first, " So my mom and dad are running a family business, which we don't know much about. All we know is it was started by Our grandpa and passed on to his two sons. My dad and my uncle divided that business and went their separate ways and grandpa couldn't bear this so he decided to move out of the house with grandma and live in some small town, we've never been to his house, he never invites us not even during the summer holidays. I've talked to grandma over the phone and at times we face-time each other too but whenever we ask her about grandpa she makes some random excuse. I really feel bad, it's like why is he even mad at me? It's not my fault my dad and his brother decided to go separate ways. So why is he ignoring his grandchildren. Luke feels bad about it too but he never shows it. 

I felt bad for her, "I'm so sorry to hear that Lucy." I said. She smiled and said " No No, Don't be. Tomorrow the family gathering that I was talking is because our family is going to be reunited again sort of. A month back for the first time in years my uncle called my dad and they met my grandpa together. I really don't know what happened between them but the next day my grandpa called me! He called me and talked to me for 2 hours straight.  He said he was sorry and he was wrong. Though Luke is still kind of angry at him but I'm sure tomorrow he'll be over it too. The thing is, that tomorrow I won't be just meeting my grandparents but also my uncle's family which means my cousins too. It's weird and to be honest Ty, I'm kind of an overly emotional person so I'm afraid I might cry or do something stupid. But yeah that's that. The after party I was talking about was actually my cousins plan, he messaged me and Luke the other day and planned it. I thought it would be a great idea getting to know them.So that's my family story, kind of." She chuckled. 

I didn't say anything for a while, I was still processing everything that she has just shared with me and the fact that in all of this family drama she and Luke were so kind to invite me over with them but I've to think rationally too. Lucy and Luke will be meeting their grandparents and cousins after so long and if I will be there things might get a bit awkward for everyone. 

" Lucy don't you think this is something very personal and inviting me over would not be a good idea.Don't get me wrong but you'll be meeting your grandparents and uncle's family for the first time in so many years, I think you and Luke should just go ahead." I said politely.

She opened her mouth to say something, but my phone's ringtone shut her up. I got my phone out of the pocket and saw it was from a unknown number. I excused myself and went outside the food court since it was too noisy there. 

"Hello, who is this?"


Hey there Lovelies! How you doing? I hope you guys are amazing. I'm back with another chapter. 

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