~Chapter 1~

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She would always be a dandelion in the desert, just wanting to be someone's only wish!
- JMStorm.

"Did you pack everything?"my mom asked me again looking across my bags. "Yes mom, for the hundredth time I'm telling you, Yes! I've packed everything that I'll be requiring for almost 2 years. Plus, I'm not going to any alienated island that I wouldn't get anything if I wanted, I'm going to NYC mom I'm pretty sure there would be shops just around the corner. " I said rolling my eyes and grinning.

Why wouldn't I be?

 I'm finally going to New York, its been my dream to study there since I was in 5th grade. I've spent all my life in a small town in Louisiana not that I didn't like here but I've secretly envied my cousins who lived in those big cities. Whenever they used come here to visit us they would to talk about the night life, the buzzing streets, the tall buildings, personal apartments and keep on going about how amazing life in the cities is. 

The life in the cities is so fast moving while here it is so slow, there people won't interfere in your personal lives but here our town is so small that everyone knows literally everyone's family history. I didn't have much friends here because I was busy getting A+ in all my subjects and I rarely used to go for any town festivals. The girls and boys my age would talk to me only while asking about assignments and tests. It was fine by me, neither was I interested in talking to them. I had only one goal in my mind to get out of the town as soon as I could and I finally got the chance to. Yes, I was obsessed with the idea of getting out of my small town and having a life of my own. 

I hear my mother sigh, "I'm going to miss you so much my little baby." she hugged me so tightly that I couldn't breathe, why do goodbyes always have to be so emotional? I don't like being emotional it shows just how weak you are. Nobody likes being weak. 

 "Mommy can't breathe!" she let go of me but kept her hands on my shoulders.

"Honey, I know you are excited about going to a new place but remember if anything happens you can come back immediately. We are always here for you." she said.  I could see the concern on her face. "Mom don't worry I'm grown up now I can manage everything." I tried to assure her, (but could I?)I pushed the thought immediately out of my head.

I felt small hands wrap around my thighs, I looked down.. "Ty I'm going to mish you sho much" I knee down so I could be the same level as my 5 year old brother. I see his red puffy nose and eyes filled with tears, "Aww George, I'm going to miss you too but don't worry I'll be back soon plus you can come there and visit me sometimes too, I pinky promise you that we'll take you to one of those huge parks there and get you your favourite ice creams!". I wipe off his tears and put my pinky finger ahead, he smiles looking at my pinky finger and crosses his with mine and we both started giggling like little kids, though one of us is actually a little kid.

"Darling, wouldn't you give your dad a goodbye hug?" I hear my dad's voice, I look up to see him standing against the door with balloons and a box from my favourite cake shop, I ran towards him "Daddy!" hugging him like there was no tomorrow. George wraps his little hands again around my thighs and Mom hugs me from behind, "Family hug."

That's when I realised, Oh Jesus how am I going to live without them in such a big city, not to forget ALL ALONE?


It was a 2 hour 30 minutes flight from Louisiana to New York, but it felt like the longest journey ever. I'm not physically exhausted but mentally, definitely. The moment I left my house, the only constant thought that has been bugging me was, will I be able to survive in such a big city? How will I manage everything all alone here? But one thing was final I'm not going back to my town. This is what I wanted, this is what I've been wishing since the 5th grade, this is what I've always hoped for and when its finally happening I'm afraid, I'm getting goosebumps all over my body thinking about how will I be able to survive in this city.

What if anything happens.... Stop being so negative, remember what mom used to say 'whenever you are scared, just close your eyes and picture the thing that you love the most' . So that's what I did. Sometimes the voice inside my head gives pretty amazing ideas.

Before getting out of the airport, I took the nearest empty bench and sat there closing my eyes and deep breathing. I could feel people's eyes on me even though my eyes are closed, isn't that weird? Anyway back to the story, I closed my eyes and pictured the thing I loved the most, my family. I pictured my dad, my mom and my little brother George they were the only one's that I love the most.

I remember last night when I was packing up my stuff, my dad knocked my door and came in. He was just standing next to my bed and smiling at me, I asked him, "Is everything alright?" and he said, "Darling, can I talk to you for a minute?". I just nodded and kept my bag down so we could sit on my bed. Seeing that my bed was almost full with my clothes and some other stuff there was only little place to sit, so I let him sit on my bed and I took the chair near to it. My dad softly spoke, "Honey, we can see how excited you are to explore the new city and live your new life. But you've to be careful, people aren't always the way they look like and I understand you are grown up and you want to live an independent life and everything that you are feeling right now, I've felt too, trust me I was also once a teenager. But what I didn't know was that there are two kinds of people, the good ones and  the one's who act like evils but they truly are angels sent by god. And its our job to figure out who is who.. Honey, its going to be one hell of an adventure for you but you can always come back to us whenever you are tired of that world..I know my little princess is a strong warrior too she can fight her own battles..You've worked hard for your dreams, Daddy loves you my little child. " he ruffled my hair, while standing up. I didn't know what to say, was this one of those nights when you get a life time advice but you don't take it seriously and suddenly one day you remember it when you are in a difficult situation with no escape? I didn't realise that he stood up and was ready to go. I stood up from my chair and hugged him, "Thank you Dad, not only for this advice but for everything you've done for me. Thank you so much."

A tear fell from the corner of my eye and I was back at the airport. I took one deep breath and got up looking at the four heavy bags and one back up wondering how am I supposed to carry all of them. That's when someone bumped into me from the back and I fell on my bags, I mentally thanked the  bags for being there or else I would've given a sweet kiss to the floor, I turned to see who was it, who first bumped into me and then didn't even had the slightest curtsy to even give me a hand to get up or say sorry.

He was a guy of my age, black hair and grey eyes.

I felt like my eyes would pop out any minute, the airport was spinning so fast that I could black out any moment, this cannot be!!!



Wassup Lovelies? So here is the first chapter of 'No-Harm'.First things first, a big THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE READING THIS!

And the question of this chapter is why is Taylor so shocked? Answer this question in the comments section and if you liked it do not, I repeat do not forget to vote and share too.

Plus one more important announcement that I decided that Taylor Mackrell would be Josephine Skriver!!!!!!!!!!! The rest so the cast I'm yet to decide so if you guys have any suggestions, feel free to send me!

Do let me know what you guys think about it! Looking forward to hearing from you guys soon!!


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