~Chapter 4~

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You are the person I will never stop looking for in a crowded place!

I turned to my left side of the bed again, by again I mean 34th time to be exact and yes I had counted the number of times I tossed and turned.What else am I supposed to do? 

 I let out an annoying  huff and got up from my bed and walked towards the balcony. As soon as I opened it's door cold air brushed my skin. I stood there leaning on the door, looking at specifically no where but the sky. I noticed that the sky of New York was so different than that of my home town. Here there weren't any stars just plain black sky, which made me sad. By now back at home everyone would be asleep and there would be simply no one on the streets except the street dogs and here it's like everyone is now going back to home after work. 

Did I make the right decision of leaving everything behind and starting a new life here in New York? To be honest, all I know is I won't go back, no matter what happens. That's not the kind of life I want to live for the rest 70 years, don't get me wrong I love my town. There are certain things I absolutely adore about it, which I'm definitely going to miss here but I feel I don't have as many opportunities to build my career back in town as I'm going to have here, in this city. I let out a small breathe and looked down at the people fast walking on the streets.  

I felt someone's eyes on me, I looked across the road, I saw someone in a black hoodie and dark blue jeans but I couldn't see his face. All that I saw was his blue eyes and as soon as our eyes met, he looked shocked for a moment but quickly turned his back and walked away. I had only one word to describe how I felt, and I felt eerie.

I hurriedly shut the door and ran into my room and locked my room from the inside too. I went straight under my blanket, like it's going to protect me from my serial killer. 'I don't know how am I supposed to live here all by my self when there is stalker keeping a watch on me, on my very first night in this big city' I thought to my self. I'm over-reacting. I KNOW! 

I have no idea when I went to sleep but the next morning I didn't wake up to the alarm but someone knocking at my door. I got up from my bed, rubbing my eyes and opened the door. I saw no one and surprisingly it didn't look like the corridor of our floor but the living room of my apartment. 

'What the purple pig is wrong with me?'and then I recalled I had locked my bedroom last night because of that creepy stalker. 

"Ty are you there?" I heard, I hurriedly ran to open the door, and before I could see who it was someone hugged me tightly. "Good morning Ty!" said Lucy, oh so cheerfully.

 "Hey Lucy, good morning to you too." I said stepping back and allowing her to enter my apartment. 

"You down for some apartment decor shopping today?" Lucy asked me casually sitting on my couch. I never went shopping with someone else apart from my family and I was nervous about what would she think about my choice. I hesitated for a while and I think she sensed it, "Hey I'm sorry if you don't want to, I just thought you are new here and this apartment seriously needs some furniture,  so we could take you out with us." 

Seeing her concern I couldn't put down her offer, "No, of course I appreciate that and I'd love to go shopping with you guys. Plus I too wanted to get some stuff for my apartment anyway and some clothes. Just let me know what time we'll be leaving." 

She jumped in excitement, though she is a year older than me I feel I am the elder one in the room. " Okay, so be ready in a hour. We'll be waiting for you in the lobby. " Lucy said and walked out of the room before I could ask if I'm okay with her plan or not. 

I guess I only have about an hour to get ready. I went into my room to get my clothes and then straight into my bathroom. After about 30 minutes when I was done, I let my wet hair down and let them dry naturally. 

I got dressed and did some light make up and walked to my kitchen, my head had started to spin which is kind of an alarm to get my coffee as soon as possible. 

I made my cup and walked up to the balcony to get some fresh air. I opened the balcony door and took a deep breathe. It was different, the morning air here was not as fresh as back in my town, guess I'll have to get use to this now.  The sooner I learn the better. I looked at the watch to check how much time do I still have, before I've to leave with Lucy and Luke. 

Just 5 minutes. I guess I'll have only 5 minutes to enjoy my cup of coffee. (So not fair.)


I know, I know it took me ages to write the 4th chapter it's because 2018 was one hell of a year for me. It was a roller coaster ride, which I'm not even kidding. Though I wouldn't say I'm disappointed, I had my ups and lows. 

Good news for you guys is I have a officially blog website now. 


Feel free to stop by. 

Talking about this story I'll promise to give extra attention to it and update regularly. 

Follow me on Instagram at @psychkaur

No HarmOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora