~Chapter 3~

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Find a place where everything you see tells you to stay!
- Seeker.

"Do you want us to help you with these bags?" I turned back to look at whom that question was for and silently wished, it did to me because there was no way I could carry so much all by myself. 

"Huh?" I didn't want to sound desperate for help so I pretended I didn't hear the question. great move Taylor.

"I said, do you need any help with these bags? We both could help you, you seem to be new here." The girl standing next to a guy said, they looked a lot similar maybe they are twins. I smiled, at the thought that the one sitting above behind the clouds had listened to my wish.

I smiled looking at the two completely unknown people smiling at me, "That would be so nice of you guys and yeah I'm new here. By the way my name is Taylor Mackrell." I said extending my hand towards them. 

"Hey Taylor, I'm Lucy Andrew and he is Luke Andrew and yes we are twins." Lucy said taking my hand and Luke was smiling, I didn't miss the dimple on his cheeks. I always wished I had dimples too until I discovered dimples are caused when your facial muscle – zygomaticus major, is shorter than normal; it pulls on your skin and forms the indentation in your facial skin. Cheeks dimples  are formed by the double or bifid zygomaticus major muscle. Sometimes, dimples are also caused due to the presence of excessive fat on your face. (Yes, I googled it! I HAD TO!)

We collected my bags and entered the not so tall building in comparison to others next to it. It's weird but it already feels like home.

My apartment was at the third floor of the building, surprisingly just next to Andrew's and they had  moved here a year back for studies as well. Seems like they are going to be my first friends in New York. Yay! 

Lucy is just an inch or two taller than me with blonde hair ending just above here shoulders and Luke is I think 6'1 or 6'2 approximately with sandy blonde hair and both of them have blue eyes. I didn't miss those secret glances Luke kept giving me, he hadn't said a word to me yet. It was Lucy who talked and he would just smile. I thought it was cute.

Once we were at my door, suddenly I could hear some beats like someone was listening to a really loud music but that's when I realised it wasn't any music but it was my own heart beating so fast that I could clearly hear it and I wouldn't be surprised if Lucy and Luke heard my heart beating too. My palms were getting so sweaty that I had to rub them against my jeans.

"Taylor, did you forget the keys? " this time it was Luke who asked me. I looked up at him, "Uh.. No no, I've them in my pocket, it's just I'll take it from here. I'm sorry but I just wanted to...."
Lucy kept her one hand on my shoulder and cut my sentence, "Yeah Ty, its alright we understand you want your time exploring your new apartment, we'll leave you alone for now but don't forget dinner is on us today so be ready by an hour or so." she said with a smile on her face and I felt so relieved knowing that she didn't think bad of me. I looked up at Luke and then again at Lucy, I nodded and said "Thank you so much guys, I really appreciate your help!"

I waited for them to get inside their room, then I removed the keys of my apartment slowly putting them in the key hole and twisting it. When it unlocked, I slightly pushed the door, closing my eyes tightly. I don't know why I closed my eyes maybe I was too scared to see whats inside but I knew I couldn't just keep them shut so I slowly opened my eyes. Taking one step at a time, I walked in. I walked so carefully like everything was made up of glass and one wrong move by me would break all of it. 

It wasn't a huge apartment or anything but it was a small and cute one, with one bedroom, a living room and kitchen. The living room had a balcony from where you could see the entrance of our building. My bedroom had a closet to the left and to the right it had a bathroom,  next to it was my bed which could fit at least two people comfortably on it, so that meant I could sleep diagonally!!! 

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