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I'm not far from Jin but I can see the fear in his eyes. The pilot is cover in blood and he looks crazy mad.

Suddenly, the pilot jumps on him. Jin screams as he falls back. He starts to fight him off but the pilot has complete advantage. He's on top of him and is trying to strangle him.

With that, I ignore the awful pain in my waist and I jump on my feet. I run up to the fight and I kick the pilot away from Jin. The crazy man fall down on the side as Jin turns around, trying to catch his breath the best he can. I have no time to waste so I jump on the pilot and I punch him hard in the face 3 or 4 or maybe even 5 times. He's now passed out but I can't stop punching him. He hurt Jin, my Jin, our Jin. He doesn't deserve to live.

"NAMJOON! STOP!" screams Jungkook that is trying to get up.

His scream brought me back to reality. I look at my hands and they are full of blood. I quickly got away from the pilot to go see Jin.

"Jin? Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" I ask.

"No I'm fine don't worry. Thank you for saving me." he says quietly to not hurt his troath even more.

I smile as I help him sit up before I look around. Jimin is still unconsicous, the pilot is knock down for good and Jungkook is...

"Jungkook lay down! You are going to hurt yourself!" I order as I see the youngest trying to get up with the help of a tree.

"I told you!  It doesn't hurt that bad." he says, now up on his feet.

"You are such a bad liar." I say as I limp up to him.

I grab him by the shoulders to put him back on the ground but as soon as I touch him, he pushes me away. By doing that, he screams once again before falling forwards. Luckily, he didn't push me hard so I am close enough to catch him. He's now in my arm and my waist is screaming in pain. I slowly let him down on the ground.

"Stop playing around! Everytime you move, you scream out in pain and each time, I freak out. So cut it out!" I tell him.

"I'm sorry.." he whispers.

I sight. I don't like to be the bad guy.

"It's ok Kookie. Just lay down and heal." I say more gently.

"I could say the same to you." adds Jin. I turn around to see him get up. I am glad to see that he looks fine.

Just as I'm about to say something, the guys come back from their little expedition.

"Well that wasn't long!" I say.

"I know. We found a little cave five minutes away. It's big enough for all of us." says Hoseok while walking up to Jungkook.

"Why is the pilot there?" asks Yoongi.


"He tried to kill me, but Joonie went all ninja mode and knocked him out." says Jin with his irritate voice. He clearly noticed that I didn't want to talk about it.

"HE WHAT? I thought you killed him!" yells Hoseok.

"What is he talking about?" asks Jungkook quietly.


"When I went back in the cockpit, he attacked me and I knocked him out. I thought I killed him, but I guess not." I slowly say. I did not want the guys to know about that.


What broke the silence this time is Hoseok's laugh. Not a good laugh though. More like a desesparate one. "Can't you see that we are all going to die? No one is looking for us! The staff didn't even know when we were supposed to get to our destination, so they don't even know we're missing. And we are in the middle of nowhere and it's fall! If we don't die from dehydration or from starving, we are going to die of hypothermia. To add to all of this, Jungkook is badly injured, Yoongi has a concussion, Jimin is unconscious and you can barely walk and don't want to admit it!" he says.

The seven survivors (BTS fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now