Found the 'one'..i hope.

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I'm so damn bored!

My brother is out with Mackenzie, Hayden is Propaly with Annie. And what am I doing? Nothing! Ughhh!
"What to do...what to do" I mumble to myself.


I'm so smart, how about Carson? Or Naida! YES okay I'll text Nadia first, honestly she's the sweetest person ever. She helped me, helped me realise that there's better boys out there than Hayden, Annie can have him for all I care.

Running towards my bathroom, I always leave my phone's wierd. I open it and look up "nads".

To nads

Hey! What are u doing? Can we hang out. Xx

Sighing I look up Carson sense she didnt reply to me, I search "car car".
I wait for someone to reply.



Goddmait! Why aren't they answering?

To car car

Hey! Wanna hang out? I'm so boreddddddddddddddddd



Answer me! Meanie!

You poop! *insert poop emoji*

I hate u! Answer!

I roll my eyes and shut my phone off, his clearly not going to answer. Why am I trying? I got back in to my bedroom flopping my self into the bed, I'm lonely.

For ever.



I'm going crazy my brother didn't come back! No one did. Why would they? Sense when did Lauren ever matter.okay I'm over reacting but let me be for once, UGHHH ANSWEER-

*wierd bird noise*

A huge grin washes over me as I run and open my phone,heheh they did answer me. I stare back at the text, Carson was the one to answer.

Didn't mind one bit.

From car car

Yeah sure, actually I have to tell you something important.  Can we meet in 20 minutes near the long bridge?

To car car

Yes! Sure see ya wierdo
Last seen 6:48pm

I walk to my walk in closet looking for a decent clothes,it is cold outside so I'm not going to wear some...I don't know! Anyway, I take my black jeans and red shirt that says in black do you want to hear something scary? Monday.

I put on my black vans, brushing my hair. I was about to walk out because I only have 10 minutes and I need to walk there, sense my parents don't trust me with a car, sigh.

I turn around and grab my black leather Jacket, then leave the house.

I walk around for like 10 minutes sense we didn't live that far away from the bridge, I hope we don't die..

Shut up Lauren! Shut up!

I smile when I see the Blondie there, one of his hands on his black/brownie jeans. His free hand runs over brushing his hair over and over again, why does he seem stressed?

"Hey!" I say hugging him from the back, he stiffens before turning around a small smile on his face.
"Toke you long enough to answer me"
I said breaking the hug and hitting him on the shoulder playfully.

He rolls his eyes, "Not my fault your obssesed, Look how many text you sent me!" I cross my hands over my chest sighing heavily.  "Shut up Carson! I was bored!"

He let's out a chuckle---woah that was hot. WHAT! NO! BAD LAUREN! BAD!
"Anyway Lolo, I came here to tell you something..important"

I nod my head before turning around and looking at the view, the water underneath us making a quite noise.
A few boats and yachts here and there making noise. AND LETS NOT FORGET THE FACT THERES CARS NEXT TO US.

Okay, there's cars.But we're behind a fence.

Again, let me be dramatic! I turn back and look at Carson who looked abit worrid and I don't know...hopefully?
"C'mon! Just say it"

He nods his head "Sorry" he laughs as he scratches the back of his head. I roll my eyes at him, can't he just say it? "Okay Lauren I know you I've known for like what 3 years? Your the most amazing and funniest and most prettiest person I have ever seen." He pauses, I stare at him not knowing what my emotions are right now.
"I figured I like you when you said you liked Hayden, I was upset because I knew he was just--uugh what ever. But I like you okay?"

I stay Silent, well what do you do when your bestfreind says he likes you? Oh yeah! You stay Silent.
"Do you want to be my girl friend?"


Hey how are ya?

Okay sorry but WOAH! What do I say? Do I like him? Why am I even overthinking! I smile slightly looking up at him.

I do like him.


He smiles hugely hugging my super tight, as I laugh at him putting my arms round his neck.

He puts my down as his eyes stare at mine this look he gives me make me feel worm inside. "Yes! You said yes!"

I laugh and poke him on the nose, "Yeah, I did say yes! A million yes!.
He puts his hands round my waist.

"So your my girlfriend now?"


"And I'm your boyfreind?"




"I like that!"

I laugh hugging him tighter, I like It too. My boyfreind, Carson.


Hey guys! Haven't been updating for a while, but anyway I had a math test today and not yestrday because my teacher wasn't In.



But anyhow, WE REACHED 5K! Omg y'all are amazing! Lysm xx

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