The fair

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{Annie's pov}

We're sitting on kenzies bed, talking about anything. We still have an hour tell the fair, it went silent before kenzie broke it, "You know the thing I want to talk to you about?".

Me and Lauren nod our head, gesturing for her to carry on, she started telling us everything about what happend yestrday and you know what?

Johnnys a pig.

Even if he was there for me and I really appreciate it,but after what happend I have mixed feelings.
Lauren opens her mouth to speak after stuffing it with popcorn "my brothers an idiot,but I feel like there's something more important than tjat kenz".

Kenzie nods her head, "there is something,so bisaclly after that I ran  away right? So I was sitting on this bench and this little girl came and sat next to me and let me tell her everything. It made me feel so much better, but then she walked off but I walked up to her and asked her where mummy is", she exhales looking pretty angry " and she said mummy left me".

"What! How old is she"

"I thought she was 6, but turns out she's 5 and her name is ava.".

I open the hot Doritos bag, "What did you do?". She snatches the bag off me and eats,"hey!".

She laughs and hands it back,"well I...decided to take her home with me and my mum said it's fine and now she's my sister but we still have to adopt her wich won't work because she's not even in an orphan and yeah".

My mouth was open by now, "SHES YOUR SISTER NOW!??!!". She nods her head, "How come we didn't see her coming in..?".

"She's out with mumma Mel" I snort after what Lauren said wich by the way was.

"Were you pregnant?".

Let me tell you something, Lauren got a pretty bad beating up with a pillow.


We finally arrived at the fair, the lights were bright and everything was beautiful. People were running and laughing everywhere, it was pretty crowded.

After what ava told kenzie we made her wear nice clothes, but not over the top. She's wearing a jean skirt with a white crop top, and boots.
Abit of make-up but she has flawless skin so not much was used.

"Ladies!" Someone terribly speaks in an Italian accent, I turn around and roll my eyes at Hayden. Such a- what ever.

"Hayden shut up,that's a terrible accent!" I hit his head from the back,
Hannie isn't real anymore. Wish it was but....not Everything we want happens right?

"Car car!" Kenzie yells and hugs him,
I feel Johnnys intense stare at kenzie and Carson. Carson and kenzie have been freinds for life,literally for ever.

"Hey shortcake, how are ya?" Oh and Carson has that nickname because of how kenzie is short and her husband is cake. She smiles at him, and someone coughs and we turn our heads and look at caden coming out of the jeep the guys and Nadia have been in.

Johnny rolls his eyes as he hugs kenzie when she leaves Carson,
And I couldn't help but roll my eyes too. I don't trust this guy,he just popped out of no where and he's acting like his dating my kenzieboo.

"Can we go now?" Her loud squeaky voice echoes in my ears and I instantly cringe. I can just see her
from the back of my head.

She's proaply wearing some slutty clothes.

Anyway, we start walking towards the entrance. I give a glance at Lauren and Hayden who are standing next to eachother. Hayden and her are Slowely holding each others hands,
A bang of heart rushes through me but I ignore it.

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