the break up,and make-up!

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I histentaly stare at the phone that's sitting on my sweaty hands, it's time.
I figured I didn't like her, I just needed her to get anthour girl out of my head.

And it didn't work.

That girl Is still in my head,her beautiful long brown hair, her bright coco brown eyes,she's perfect. I sigh and open my phone my finger hovering waiting to find some one called,


I should Propaly change her name.

I start typing a 'Hey', she should reply pretty quickly because I did tell her to text me on her recent, or who's recent was it? I don't remember, meh who cares.

To Nadia

Hey, can we talk?

I wait a few minutes, and she replies.

From Nadia

Hey John sure, what's wrong?

I'm slightly confused how she's being nice.. I know that sounds mean, but how true is it?

To Nadia

It's about us Nadia, we're just not-

Before I can press send,Nadia sent me a message...the one I thought was texting.

From Nadia

It's okay, I know what's ur going to talk about. We're over it's okay...I get it you don't like me...go get her Johnny.

To Nadia

Oh...thank u Nadia, you're amazing and pretty I didn't want to lead you on. Sorry.

She doesn't reply, she leaves me on seen so I close my phone. Go get her Johnny. And guess what i did?

I got her.

To kenzo

Meet me at ilovepancakes park in 10 minutes, it's important.

She replies like 2 seconds later an 'okay',so I quickly shut my phone off and run into my walk in closet. A huge smile is shown on my face, I quickly look for a nice outfit.

I can't find one.

I groan in frustration, standing there.
Then a knock is heard from my door, my sister Lauren shows up with a half smile on her face, wich quickly turns to confusion.

Well I would be confused as well, It is 6:43pm at night, and I'm trying to get ready? "Hey Juan, what are you doing?".

I sigh and look up at her as she enters my closet, "I'm going to see kenzo and I don't know what to wear" I pause as she raises an eyebrow in amusement, scratching my neck I say. "Well uhh help me?".

She squeals in excitement taking her phone out opening her camera smiling, I turn around looking at her "What are you doing? I asked for you to help me!".

She laughs and replies to me a huge smirk covering her face..wich let me tell you does NOT suit her. "Let me remember this moment where my brother asked me to help him now shut up and let me take a photo! Smile!".

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