Engagment Party

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Birthday’s are an odd thing, really. I mean, why celebrate that you’re a year older? That you’ve got one less year to live, when I was younger I used to love birthdays, They seemed light up the world. Now, I no longer see the fireworks and fairy dances, the magic of it all. I don’t see anything really. To me, It’s just another day, another day in the year. Nothing special.

“Happy birthday!” My mother cried.

I blinked opened my eyes, They felt like they were glued together, the world came into focus and blurred. My mother was sitting on my bed, a red, lipstick smile across her face.

I frowned. “What? Huh?”

“Happy Birthday!” My mother repeated, grinning at me.


A slow grin spread across my face. “It’s my birthday?”

So why am  I here? I can’t help wondering to myself. Why am I standing on the shiny, dark, polished steps, my hand at the knocker of the giant house. The answer is simple, Because I have to be. I knock there times, and the red door opens, to reveal a happy face.

“Molly!” Natalie squeals and with a running leap, she hugs me tightly.

I stumble back slightly. “Natalie..”

“OMG! How are you? How have you been? Is that a new haircut? You look great!” She babbles, slipping her arm around my waist and leading me into the party.

I smile. “I’ve been great, and yes.” I self-consciously touch my hair, which I’ve cut to slightly below shoulder length. “It is. Do you like it?”

“It look awesome.” Said Nat, with a smile.

“Thank you.” I say, fidgeting. I’m nervous.

“Do you want me to go get you a drink?” Natalie asks, cocking her head slightly.

I nod nervously, And she walks away, leaving me to my thoughts.

Why am I nervous? This is stupid, I sound like one of those stupid girls from a ridiculous romance novel. That is not me, I am sensible and polite. Not giggly and corny. No, Sir.

Plus, There is no way, Not the slightest possibility on earth that-

“I hope you don’t mind.” Says Natalie, coming over to me, handing me a drink. “But I paired you up with Louis.”

I rolled my eyes. “Actually, I do mind.”

“Well.. You and He both didn’t bring you’re ‘Plus One’ And you both need partners so..”

“I would rather eat my own feet than dance with that-“

“Hello, Natalie.” Says Louis, coming over to us. “Great Party.” He turns to me and his smile drops. “Redwin.” He says, coldly.

“Tomlinson.” I say, just as coldly.

He rolls his eyes. “Have fun with the devil?”

“What about your mother? I thought you were bringing her as your date.” I say, narrowing my eyes at me.

His eyes widened slightly. “Feisty… It’s a new look, Redwin.”

“Not as new as that thing you call a face.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Having your period?”

“Excuse me?” I say, blushing.

“I said.” He said, loudly and as if speaking to a toddler. “ARE YOU HAVING YOUR PEROID?”

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