Win The Family, Get The Man

Start from the beginning

He holds out his hand, taking mine in it as he repeats my name, "Katherine." He nods behind him towards Seth, "He only comes calling when he needs something."

"That's not true!"

"And right about now he's gonna flash that shit-eatin' grin of his," Eddie said.

Seth rolls his eyes, putting his hands on his hips. I can't help but smile at his action, shrugging slightly, "I don't know, I kind of like it. Now is snoring-"

Once again, Seth cuts m off, lightly grabbing my wrist and pulling me to his side. The action causes Eddie to chuckle while Seth tries to steer back into the right direction. "Okay, Okay. Eddie, will you just calm yourself, please? Thank you. Look, I just came here to ask you one thing."

To no surprise, when Seth mentioned the word money, Eddie was already running off the rails. He found himself sitting at a table with Seth and I on either side of him.

"Oh, forget it. I can't do it," Eddie said, shaking his head.

"It's just till I get back on my feet," Seth says. Apparently the money we had taken, split in half, wasn't enough. And I'd be lying if I didn't agree with him. I had plans for most of my cut and having a few extra dollars to myself would be nice.

Eddie stared at Seth hard, "You think I got scores growing on trees?"

"I think you got a ripe one right here," Seth says, gesturing to some papers on the table that looked like information on a case.

At the realization, Eddie started to gather up his papers, "That ain't for you." He stands and starts to walk away, Seth chasing him around as Eddie lays the papers in a different spot.

"Okay, fine. What else you got, then?" Seth asks, still trying to get his uncle's luck on scoring places.

A sigh left my lips as I moved away from the table and started to glance around the room. Something told me we might be here awhile and checking this place out may be my only entertainment for now.

Eddie raises his eyebrows at Seth, "What else I got? How about the shirt off my back, or maybe the change in my pockets? You know what? Think I ought change that sign out the front door, where you boys keeps stopping by, want me to fix your problems. It ought be called the Gecko Repair Shop."

Seth lightly grabs his uncle's arm, stopping him, "Wait a second. "You boys"? What boys?"

Gesturing off, Eddie says, "Two days ago, Richie came in here looking for a handout. Now you're here with Red Katherine looking for a quick way to get some gold. Except you ain't Conan no more my friend."

My ears listen while my hands pick up a familiar coffee bean bag. Eddie's voice quickly spoke up to me, "Excuse me, would you not touch that, please?"

"These are those crazy monkey-shit beans. Kopi Luwak, right?" I asked, looking over at Eddie who stared at me like his plans to hate me just went out the door and he wasn't thrilled about it.

"Okay, she's not so bad..." Eddie says, turning to Seth who has a cheeky smile on his lips. "...But you."

Seeing his uncle talk to him again snaps Seth back into reality and causes him to focus back on Eddie. "Okay, can we just back up for a second here please? You said Richard was here?"

"What, am I slurring my words?"

"What did he want?" Seth asks, the two seeming to go back and forth over the snake-wearing-glasses Gecko.

"He wanted a favor, just like you."

"Oh, okay. You know what? Forget it," Seth says, throwing his arm out as if to wave Eddie off. He takes a step back, turning his head as Eddie presses on.

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