



I stepped outside to the front lawn.

"Hey Mom."

"Hey Sweetie, where are you that it's so loud?"

"Kayla dragged me to some party in the Hills."

"Oh wow, that sounds fancy."

"Haha, not really."

"Well hows the party going?"

"It's going fine, literally the craziest thing happened, but I'll call you back later and tell you."

"Okay Sweetie, be careful. I love you."

"Love you too, Mom."

I hung up the phone and just as I turned around I bumped into this dude that was like 2 inches taller than me. I kind of stammered back a little bit, but regained my balance.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you-"

As I looked up I almost passed out.

It was Nick. Nick Mara. THE Nick Mara. In the flesh. Right in front of me. Perfect jawline and all.

"Yo, you're good. Are you okay?"

"Uhm.. Yea, I'm fine, sorry about that."

"Nah, you're fine. Uh, have I seen you before?"

"Uhm no, no actually I came here with a friend, who found about this party from another friend who found about- you know what it's a long story."

"Haha, I bet, well I'll let you get back."

"Yea, nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too....?"


"Vanessa. Nice meeting you too, Vanessa. I'm Nick by the way."

"Yea I-....I figured. You kind of look like a... Nick."

"Really? Never heard that one before. Well, it was nice meeting you, Vanessa. Hope you stick around.

"Yea, nice meeting you too, Nick."

I walked back inside frantically trying to find Kayla. I was walking through the living room when I spotted her near the couch.

"You will not believe who I just met!"

"Please tell me it was a PRETTYMUCH boy!"

"It was! I ran into Nick outside!"

"You're kidding, tell me everything!"

I explained to her the entire situation.

"See what happens when you listen to me and come outside your apartment!"

"I know I know, you were right."

"When am I not! Like can this night get any better?"

As great as this night became I didn't think anything could top it, and right when I thought my night had peaked it got 10x better than I thought it ever could. Right as Kayla and I finished talking someone stopped the song that was playing and and the intro for PRETTYMUCH's Real Friends came on and all the boys came out of the kitchen and started getting super hype. Everyone started jumping around and yelling the lyrics. Kayla and I looked at each other and could barely contain ourself considering we knew all the lyrics, but we kind of acted like we were just enjoying the song and just danced along. Nick noticed us in the corner and invited us to get hype with everyone. We went over and started singing and dancing around. Everyone started recording everyone dancing and having fun. The song started to near the end and everyone started clapping. As the night started to near the party started to mellow out.

"Hey, I'm gonna go wait in the line for the bathroom, you good here?"

"Yea, I'm good."

I went over to sit on the couch and pulled out my phone and scrolled through my feed. I looked through my snapchat story I posted of the party and started laughing to myself. Literally this had become one of the best nights ever and nothing could top it. At least that's what I thought. I heard some people move from the kitchen to the living room and heard some guys talking getting closer to me.

"Oh yea, this is the girl I met early, Vanessa."

I looked up to see Nick and glanced over to who was next to him and once again almost passed out. It was Zion. Nick was introducing me to Zion Kuwonu. THE Zion Kuwonu.

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