Chapter 14

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The kids are at Sparky's. Sparky left Lissa. Sparky now shares a room with Dimitri. Sparky wanted the kids to spend the night with him. I asked if Dimitri was going to be there, & Sparky said no. I heard a knock on the door.

" I'm coming." Another knock.

" Give me a freaking moment!" I opened the door & there was Dimitri.

" What's going on? Why are you here? What the hell do you have in your hands?"

" I have a bunch of food & I have a bunch of chocolate donuts. Now, do you still hate me?"

" How can I hate you, when you bring me food? Nonetheless, my favorite food; chocolate donuts. Why are you here?"

" Well, since the kids are gone, I thought we could have alone time."

" Why would you think that?"

" Because, I want to show you that I still love you."

" Whatever. I'm starting to forgive you. What movie or T.V show do you want to watch?"

" Can we watch... American Horror Story?"

" Oh My God! I love that show! I got to the first episode of Asylum. It was the best! I had to stop watching it because I was getting so scared."

" I only got to Asylum too. I got scared too."

" No way! The Anti-Social Russian Battle God, got scared?"

" Hey! I can get scared. It takes a lot for me to get scared."

" Okay. Whatever. Let's go watch the show." So, we have watched all of the episodes. We are now on the next season. I was so scared, I buried my face into his neck. I could practically see the smile on his face. 

" Stop smiling, Comrade."

" Why?"

" Just so you know, I can see that smile on your face. Just because I get scared, doesn't mean anything."

" Yes. Yes it does. Do you like Tate & Violet?"

" I loved them. But Tate, just had to ruin the relationship! I was so fucking pissed off with Tate. I find Tate cute, in a creepy sort of way."

" You know who Tate & Violet remind of? Just minus all of the violent, depressing stuff?"

" Who."

" Actually a couple."

" Who is this couple?"

" This couple is... you & me." We just stared in each others eyes, nice & quiet. He started to lean in. I didn't know what to do. Do I kiss him? Do I not kiss him? 

He leaned in, & kissed me. I kissed him back. I actually forgave him a long time ago. I just wanted him to kiss me. I missed those lips. I missed the way he kisses me. I missed the way he touched me. I love him. He broke off the kiss. I'm ready to love him again.

" Roza?"

" Yes, Comrade?"

" I love you."

" I love you too, Comrade."

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