Chapter 10

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(Rose's Wedding Dress above) 


" So, will you make me the happiest man on this earth, & marry me?"

" YES! I love you so much." I kissed him. We ended up making out on the beach. 

" When do you want the wedding, Comrade?"

" I want the wedding in about four months. Is that okay with you?"

" A little eager aren't we? Also, of course it's okay." I said.

" I love you Roza."

" I love you too, Comrade." We went back to Court, & we went back to our room. Comrade & I ended up sleeping in because of stuff we did the previous night.  We wouldn't have woken up, if someone didn't knock on the freaking door. Then, we heard the door open.

" EWWW!" 


" Roza, calm down. It's only Lissa."

" Comrade, we are naked."

" Oh yeah." Lissa noticed that I have an engagement ring on.

" NO WAY!"

" Congratulations."

" Thanks Liss."

" Guardian Belikov, if you hurt Rose in anyway, I will personally hunt you down and/or I will get THE ABE MAZUR to do this job, starve you, torture you, hurt you, & I will slowly make you suffer in every way possible. DO YOU FREAKING UNDERSTAND ME?"

" Yes, Ma'am."

" Thank you, Guardian Belikov. Anyway, Rose, when is the wedding?"

" It's on November 3rd."

" Amazing. We have a lot to get done. Let's get started."

4 Months later... 

It is the day of the wedding. Is it normal to be nervous. People would say that mothers would help you with getting nervous, but, my own mother wouldn't give up work for me. My father did though.  Before I knew it, I was walking down the aisle with my dad on my left side. He threatened Dimitri. Twice. In less than 5 minutes. 

" Roza, I have loved from the moment I saw you, which was through a window. Not the street. When I caught you on the street, I knew that I will always be yours. You will always come first in my heart. I, Dimitri Alexander Belikov, take thee, Rosemarie Anne Hathaway, to be my wedded wife, to have & to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness & in health, to love & to cherish, til death do us part. I love you, Roza."

" Comrade, I have loved you from the moment I saw you. Which, wan't the best view, but I knew that my soulmate was there. I don't usually believe in Destiny or fate, but, I actually do believe that you coming & taking the Princess & I to the stupid Academy, was a sign of destiny, saying that we were meant to be together. I, Rosemarie Anne Hathaway, take thee, Dimitri Alexander Belikov, to be my wedded husband, to have & to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness & in health, to love & to cherish, til death do us part. I love you too, Comrade." 

" What should the kids names be?"

" For the boy Jason Christian Belikov. For the girl Jocelynn Vasilissa Belikova."

" I love you, Roza"

" I love you too, Comrade."

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