Spin The Bottle

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" Spin the bottle." All of us agreed.

" If we had to choose 1 rule, what would it be?" I asked.

" They have to kiss the person on the lips." Adrian said. Everyone said sure.

" Who's first."

" ME!" I really wanted to go first, I don't know why. I spun the bottle, it landed on Eddie.

" Finally, a kiss from Rose." I kissed him on the lips. Eddie spun, it landed on Mia. They kissed for ever. I'm not even going to ask. Mia spun, & it landed on Adrian. She pecked him. 

" You kiss Mia again, & I'll kill you." 

" Eddie, it's just a game. You know I love you." Adrian spun, & it landed on me. I saw Comrade's face turn red.

" Calm down Comrade. Stop getting jealous."

" Anything for you, Roza." I grabbed his chin, & kissed his cheek.

" Hey! No fair. You have to kiss me on the lips."

" I'll tell you what, if 4 people out of this group raise their hands to see me kiss you, then I will." 4 people rose their hand. It was Lissa, Christian, Adrian, Eddie, & Mia. I spun the bottle, it landed on Lissa. We kissed & got it over with. Lissa spun, & it landed on Adrian. They kissed & Pyro lit him on fire. Adrian spun the bottle, & it landed on... Christian. They kissed & they went straight to the bathroom & washed their mouths out. When it was Christian's turn, we heard a knock on the door. I opened the door, & it revealed Tasha. I don't hate her anymore because she accepted the fact that Dimitri loves me & not her.

" Hey Aunt Tasha, want to play?"

" Sure." Christian spun the bottle & it landed on Tasha. They were like ew. I gave them a pass, cause no one wants to see that. I spun the bottle & it landed on Comrade.

" Ready?"

" When am I not ready Comrade?" Let's just say that it was a long kiss. 


" Not our fault that we love each other."

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