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Even for as large as the castle is, it is silent without a single sound filling the air other than the soft snores and steady heartbeats that had kept me up all night. Even though the sun is within the sky and everyone is stumbling around their rooms to get ready and begin their day, the castle remains in a tense silence. It is as if everyone had felt all of the rage and pain that had been rolling off of their Royal Alphas and had silently agreed to give them as much peace as they need, even if it means leaving the castle in a silence full of a sorrow filled tension that has everyone other than Draven and I, full of worry and unease.

"Seley, you look tired Love. Did you not get any sleep last night? Was the bed to hard to sleep comfortably?" Jordans soft voice fills the silence of the room, breaking the tension apart and making Draven snort just as the three Alphas chuckle at his words. Yet when my eyes move away from the window to meet his I see nothing but worry shining within them.

"It was actually to soft for her." Draven tilts his head as he takes me in and Jordan looks at him in curiosity.

"Zilla, sorry, Selene, is not comfortable on any sort of soft object." Darrin speaks with a smile on his face and Justin chuckles.

"Draven had given her a bed to sleep on but she tore it apart only to sleep on the floor. She could not even sit on a couch without destroying it. Each of us have had to replace at least three couches and seven chairs a piece." Justin smiles at me as if he thinks it is the funniest thing, but I do not smile back as I look out of the window once more.

"So you just let her sleep on the floors?" My head tilts at the anger that fills Zander with the thought and Draven growls at him as if his words have angered him.

"Of course not. I had noticed a pile of furs in the cave she had been living in and told the others who had decided to try and help her be as comfortable as possible so we had gone hunting only to make the furs of each kill into a blanket for her." He smiles as he speaks making the three Alphas at the table lift their brows but he ignores them only to lift his hand from his side and tuck some of my long hair behind my left ear. "She could not sleep last night because of the noises. The snores and the sounds of more than one beating heart at a time had kept her from getting any sleep." My head tilts to the side as he speaks making him shiver as I look at him from beneath my thick lashes.

"How do you know this?" Zander asks and Draven frowns.

"Because I am the same way. That is why Hunter helped me build a cabin away from any of the other houses." Zander nods at his words but does nothing to look away from him.

"Each of us can feel that she has marked you, so why is it that you do not know of her past?" His deep voice fills the room, and Draven looks through the window beside him as if uninterested.

"Just hearing what she had been through was enough to break me and send a rage through me so hot that I wished to track them all down myself, watching those memories would kill me." His deep voice is low as it passes through his lips making each of my uncles tilt their heads as they take him in.

"It may be hard, and it may kill you, but it would be worth it." Jordans soft voice is as gentle as it had been when he spoke to me but Draven seems to completely ignore his words as he watches the trees. "Then, when you are with her, you will be able to see the things you could not see before. You would be able to read her emotions without the need to force your way into her mind as I am sure you do now." Dravens silver eyes slowly move to meet my own as he takes in Jordans words, but he remains silent as he does so.

"The pain you felt when she was away from your side is nothing compared to the pain you can feel when you have realized that the woman you love is not the woman you see before you." Zanders deep voice is nearly a whisper as it leaves his lips and Zaland lets his shoulders fall as he looks at his brother.

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