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I lean on the wall just beside the large window that rests in the living room that Zeek had led us to. Draven stands just to my right, his strong arms rest crossed over his solid chest making the large muscles seem even larger than they are. His damp raven black hair rests over his cheekbones with his eyes roaming the room as he takes in everything around us, watching everyone with unemotional eyes as if waiting for one of them to attack one of us. The three Alphas sit on one of the large couches, their backs straight and their legs pulled as close to the couch as they can get them and across from them are two of my uncles. Both of them sit on the couch but unlike the Alphas they try to sit as far apart as they can get from each other. Zeek sits further to the left closest to the gentle fire resting within the fireplace, he leans back into the couch with his arms crossed over his chest making them look even larger than Dravens. His short snow white hair is a mess as it stands on end all over the place, his eyes are dark with pain, and his teeth work on his bottom lip as his eyes take me in every few minutes as if he is making sure that I am real. On the other end of the couch is Zander and unlike Zeek he does nothing to show that he is Royalty. His back is hunched over as his elbows rest on his knees, his long fingers tangled in his long hair. Every now and then he will take in a deep breath as if to make sure it is me and not some imposter, only to let it out in a sigh of slight relief. His body trembles as if trying not to cry, but every few moments I am able to catch a shimmer as a tear falls to the gray rug just between his feet making it an even darker gray than it should be.

The Alphas Beloveds are in the rooms that one of the Omegas had shown them all to. After I had forced my memories into Zalands mind the gathering was canceled and Zeek had told each of the Alphas remaining to leave, that the true gathering would be held as usual in December. The moment he saw me move towards the door following the Alphas and their people, Zeek had wrapped his hand around my bicep stopping me as I tried to escape. His touch had made Draven growl at him with an icy threat that had made him pause for a slight moment before he let go and dropped his hand to his side before asking me to stay. He said he had rooms that the Alphas and their Beloveds could sleep in, and that he did not wish to lose me after he had just gotten me back. I did not wish to stay, but I was not selfish enough to make two exhausted pregnant women sit in a car for another seven hour drive. The moment I had agreed he had a group of his Omegas grab their things from their cars while another one had showed them to the empty rooms. Unlike the Alphas the Betas did not stay, each of them had gone back to watch over their Packs while their Alphas remain here.

As for Zaland, he is laying along the third couch with his head in his Beloveds lap as he goes through the worst of my memories. I know that seeing Zaland as he is, is hurting Jordan, it is torturing him to see his other half in so much pain. But the pain that I feel is not for Jordan or the small boy that is sitting in front of Zaland on the floor with his back leaning against the couch, but it is for each scream that I hear ripping past my uncles lips as he watches my dark past flash before his eyes. It is because I am hurting the only bit of family that I have left, and one of the men that had been just as close to me as my own father was when I was a child. "When will this end?" Jordans soft voice is the first to break the tension of the room as it leaves him and I tilt my head as I watch his long fingers gently brush away the hair resting on Zalands sweaty forehead.

"Whenever he thinks that he has seen enough." My voice is cold as it leaves me and Jordan sobs as he trails his hand over my uncles beautiful face wiping the sweat away once more.

"He will not feel as if he has seen enough until he has seen it all." His soft voice is a broken whisper as it leaves his plump lips and I tilt my head as I take him in. He is just as beautiful as any of my uncles, his brown hair is curly as it travels to his strong jaw, his cheeks are hollow, his cheekbones are high and pronounced, he has a small nose with a sharp point and freckles that roam his face only to outline the very bottom of his eyes where a pair of thin glasses rest. His light pink lips are plump and full, his ears are sharply pointed, and his eyes are more of a golden color than they are brown as they take in his Beloved in his lap as he begins to scream once more at what none of the others can see and only I know.

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