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As soon as the shadows fade a soft groan leaves the mans full and plump blood red lips as he stumbles into the rocky wall beside him. I do not pause to help him before I walk to the back of the large cave and trail the tips of my fingers over the middle wall forcing it to open once more. A soft gasp leaves the mans lips once he calms down and finally begins to take in the dark cave around him, but I do nothing to take him in or to even acknowledge that he is even there as I begin to replace my lost weapons once more.

It does not take more than a moment to pass before his scent fills the room and the door gives a soft groan as he forces it open even more to slide his lean yet muscular form into the room. I can feel his approval rolling through him as he takes in each of the weapons resting on the shelves around the room. There is not a single ounce of fear resting within him as he looks them over, and once he gets to the cage full of guns he seems to fill with the same sort of happiness and pure shock that would fill a child walking into a candy store. I tilt my head as I watch his long strong fingers hover above each of the guns his eyes land on, but never once does he touch them as if he is afraid that he may dirty them. After a moment he looks to me with a small smile on his beautiful face but I remain silent as I turn away from him and walk to the far right wall to trail my fingers over the stacks of pictures once more.

I feel him walk across the room to stand behind me, the excitement that he felt just a moment ago is replaced with a silent rage as he takes in the thousands of stacks laying neatly put together on the shelves all along all of the one wall. Once my scars begin to burn I lift the stack of pictures up and grab his arm making the shadows surround us once more. When I step out of the shadows we are no longer standing within the weapons room of my cave but are now standing within one of the millions of tall trees that rest within the Pack lands. Beside me the man lets out another small gasp as he sees where we are but he stays silent as he watches me lean against the trees rough bark and after a moment he slowly leans back just beside me with his arms crossed over his chest making them look even larger than before. I can feel his eyes on me as I take in the two small children in the snow just a few yards away from where we stand now. After a few short moments his silver eyes move away from me only to take in the children playing in the snow, then the large house that is resting eighty yards behind them. Even as he notices where it is that we are he remains silent and just as still as I do making it easy to understand why exactly his Alpha had sent him with me. He is not the Beta as some may think him to be, but the Alphas personal body guard.

He is his assassin.

That would explain why the man is always so quiet, why his steps are silent whenever he is walking even with his tall and muscular frame. Why he seems as if he is just as emotionless as I am, also why he was able to follow me so easily. It also explains why he holds such a love for guns, and how he knows to be silent just as much as he knows what to look for even though he does not know who exactly we are after. It would also explain why he is able to feel me enter a room, and see me quicker than anyone I have ever met before. It would be the same even without the pull that he feels towards me.

I feel how his body slightly stiffens when he sees the shadows wrapping around us, but he does nothing to move. Instead he watches them climb over us, hiding us both in the darkness making it look as if we are nothing but shadows on the side of a tree. Once they are in place I feel his body lean back into the tree as he watches the men of the River Pack flow out of the house as they prepare for their annual party.

A party that I have been aching to crash for years now.

This is the one party thrown where all of the other Alphas come with their Packs. Not only is it for their people to find their Beloveds, but also for the Alphas to talk to one another as they look for new alies and share any or all problems that they may have. The only other party that is anything like this one, is the one that each of my uncles hold in the Kings Kingdom to do this same thing, only he also does this to see what the other Alphas are up to. Like my father, each of my uncles have an ability to smell a lie as if smelling a rotten egg. It is one of the many abilities that had grown stronger the night my father died. It was one of his favorite things to force me to use when I had been sent out to infiltrate a Pack or he had one of his clients visiting.

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