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Zillas POV

"Selene." His deep voice breaks as it leaves him, the sound is full of pain and disbelief, yet it does nothing to make me feel any sort of sorrow for him. No, I do nothing but stare at him as I stand before him allowing his eyes to take me in over and over again as if he is not truly sure that I am real, but I do nothing more than spin the knife around my index finger. "Selene, do you remember who I am?" The moment the question leaves him the knife goes still in my hand, my fingers wrapping along the handle so that it rests in my palm ready to strike if need be, but I do not use it. No, I do nothing more than tilt my head and take a slow step towards him that most would see as threatening, and I suppose that in a way it is just that.

"Of course I remember, Uncle. I remember that you, Zander, and even Zaland had told my father that you would always be there for him, for us. That you would protect me if anything were to happen to them. Yet the day they had died, none of you had shown your faces. I remember seeing my father storm out of our home to help all of our people as they had attacked us. I remember the feeling of my mothers arms around me as she ran with me in her arms. I remember watching my mother cry for the very first time in my life as she hid me in the wall within their chambers. I remember the trembling sound of her sweet voice as she tried to be strong for me, telling me that you would come and to be just as strong as she knew I would be, to hide and wait for one of you to find me. Then I remember how I had to listen to their screams. One by one our people had fallen, and even being hidden within a wall inside of our castle I could smell their blood as it fell, I could feel them dying. I remember hearing my mothers scream of pain just before she fell, my fathers roar of rage as he watched his Beloved die, and a moment later he had also fallen." I step closer to him with each word that passes through my lips, each step slow and threatening until his back is flat against the wall and I am before him with the blade of my knife against his throat. "I remember hearing the man that had attacked our people roaming within their chambers until he had found me. I remember him taking me downstairs, allowing me to see what they had done to my home, the home that my father had built for his Beloved, for their people, and for me to grow in. I remember each face that had been standing in my home soaked in the blood of our fallen. But what I remember most? That would be the sight of how they had both of my parents nailed to the side of our home with their heads in a puddle of blood at their feet." I feel my lips curl back giving them all a flash of my sharp white teeth. "I remember him laughing and telling me that I was exactly what he had been looking for, for a long time. I remember he took me away from my home, the same man that had killed my parents and none of you were there as you had sworn to my father that you would be!"

I feel my power leave me as my voice raises, making the room so cold that every breath to leave those in the room comes out as small puffs of white smoke. I can feel the fear that leaks out of them as they listen to my words, I can hear their teeth chatter from just how cold they are, but my attention is on the man before me. Even as his brothers begin to slowly walk closer to the stage, I ignore them, I ignore the pain it gives me to see them all in one room, so close to me, yet so very far away from me. But that pain is nothing compared to my boiling rage.

"I remember the rumors of you taking over and burying my parents and along with them you had buried an empty casket for a child that was not yet dead but had wished to be every single day of her life! While you were spending years upon years of doing nothing more than wallowing in your own pity I was out there! I was being tortured! I was being raped! I was being forced to do things that no six year old child should ever be forced to do and you did nothing! There were so many days when I would lay in my own blood and beg the Gods to send you to me! For you to just take me home and away from the pain they made me feel, to allow it all to be nothing more than one long seemingly endless nightmare, but none of you ever came! Was I that easy to forget or had you never even truly cared in the first place? I was only six years old when he had me kill someone, I was no more than an infant yet I had killed! He made me watch things that I have to rewatch every time I close my eyes even if it is to blink! You do not know how many screams I hear in the silence! How much blood I still feel on my flesh because of what he had me do! I tried to save them, I tried so damn hard to help those women, yet I was only ever able to save one! I took broken bones, whips, and stab wounds just because I had let her go when I was supposed to kill her instead! Did you not even notice all of those deaths? All of those Kingdoms, Clans, Covens, and Packs that had been destroyed and the women taken? He had done that and he kept each woman in a barn only letting them out to be used! It was my job at ten years old to get each woman out of the barn and take them to the men! To prepare them on a bed as if they were a meal! The youngest child I had to do that to was nine years old! They did not care they just wished to breed and make their Pack even stronger! If I tried to help any of them, bring them extra food, water, give them an extra day to be left alone, if I did any of that I was beaten then forced to train until the sun came up the next day! If I did as I was told, I would be rewarded by being forced to watch the men use and torture those women only to clean up after they had all had their fun with them! I had been forced to do all of these awful things and none of you were there to stop it! To help me! I was your niece! Had I meant that little to you?" My voice is a dark growl as it leaves me, it is full of a rage that I have not felt for a long time now, and it makes frost form along the walls and stage around me making those watching and listening to what I have to say take a step back.

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