Before Matt could say anything, there were footsteps heard from outside the living room. His eyes bulged as he fled from the room and ducked into the kitchen. From there, he was gone.

" What the hell just happened?" Keith snorted, becoming very confused.

Shiro walked in not but five seconds later, and Pidge burst out laughing before slamming a hand over her mouth. She kept it there while looking up at Shiro. Lance giggled and buried his face in Keith's shoulder to keep from making an ass out of himself. Keith's lips folded in on themselves and disappeared as he struggled to not laugh.

" Have any of you guys seen Matt?" Shiro asked them.


More silence.

" Nope." Lance finally answered while snickering.

" Was there something that you needed to talk to him about?" Pidge inquired; it was insanely difficult for her not to point in the direction Matt had went. Her brother could be such a wuss when it came to adult things. His feelings were something he often danced around.

Shiro blushed immensely and found his eyes gluing to the floor. He cleared his throat and stammered a bit.

Lance snorted and was soon full out laughing into the smaller boy's shirt. Keith followed, and Lance grabbed the blanket to hide their faces in it. Pidge was shaking in her desperate attempt not to fall victim to the giggles.

" What?" Shiro asked.

" Go get him, tiger." Lance finally let a remark slip. Keith mock catcalled from under the blanket.

Shiro covered his beet red face with his palm.

Pidge gestured over her shoulder, and Shiro went out of the room in the general path that Matt had taken.

Well. That was one way to let the cat out of the bag.


Later in the night, Keith had dozed off on Lance's shoulder. How anyone could sleep through the blood curdling screams of the movie, he had no clue.

Lance only looked down at Keith with a fond smile. He debated waking him up or not. It was about midnight, so Lance figured not. He carefully slid away from Keith and peeled back the blanket from him.

Even in slumber the smaller boy made Lance's eyes twinkle and shine with a loving gleam. Once his feelings began budding for Keith, it wasn't a gradual process. They snowballed, and soon Lance had more love than he knew what to do with.

He scooped Keith up into his arms, carrying him bridal style out of the living room. The secure hold he kept on him spelled out how much he valued Keith's safety and well-being. There was no way Lance would ever let Keith get hurt again. He knew that he'd told Keith that after he'd been kidnapped, but now Lance was dead serious. If he had to watch Keith get hurt again, he might've lost it.

Once arriving to Keith's room, Lance laid his boyfriend onto the bed in the gentlest way he could. He pulled the covers over him, and Keith's face stirred.


" Lance..." The smaller boy mumbled, sitting up a bit.

" Shh... it's fine. Just go back to sleep." Lance said while combing his hand through Keith's bangs in a comforting manner.

Keith yawned, looking at Lance with glossy eyes. He wanted Lance to stay with him, hoped he would.

Lance sighed, tugging off his shirt and throwing it aside. He crawled in bed with Keith, not bothering to take off his sweatpants. Though he hadn't been planning on going to bed right then, there wasn't a way in the world that he could resist those puppy dog eyes.

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