Forgiveness and Fighting

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Eio's POV

"Kai you have to believe me when I say I'm sorry. I would never hurt you. I would do anything and everything to protect you. You're the light of my life. Without you I'm nothing. I'm really sorry." Kai leaned over and hugged me. And we sat there. In total silence It wasn't an awkward silence. It was comforting because I knew in that moment Kai was at her weakest and she needed someone. After a few minutes it was relevant that I was forgiven. Me and Kai had a clean slate and I just had to keep a close eye on her. That's exactly what I intend to do.

Kai's POV

I had to forgive Eio. He's been there for me since I don't even know how long. y POV

I got a text from Eio saying he found Kai and he was coming over. THOSE TWO ARE SOOOO CUTE !!! I decided to invite everyone else over , like Lola, and Ish, and Jo. I decided to invite Austin too since he's a cool dude. They all came over maybe 10 minutes before Kai and Eio said they would. Everyone piled in the living room while I got a big bowl and poured some chips in it. I realized that Austin was late, oh well he'll be here.

Kai and Eio got to my house and everyone started socializing. Then I put a movie in and everyone snuggled with each other. Kai and Eio, Lola and Ish, and suprisingly Jo and I. Before the movie ended there was a knock at the door. I jumped up to get it, it must've been Austin. 

I was right, it was Austin and apparently he brought a few friends, Ryan and his two buddies. I was confused on how why Austin would bring him, but more so I was scared. "Um guys.." I said after I opened the door. Austin and Ryan invited themselves in. Jo, Eio, and Ish stood up. Lola went to sit next to Kai, they were scared. i just stood shocked.

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