Dr. Stalker

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"One, two, one, two, three, four!"said Lola on drums. Jo came in on the last count and played a riff that was known to be our intro. After the riff, I waited two counts to come in with the first verse.

You weren't interested in anything

I could tell when you walked in.

You weren't focused eyes weren't on the prize when you walked in.

I could tell something was on your mind.

True your sad but you don't have to hide.

It's time for me to say goodbye.

You decided to let me down easy

You decided to let me go

And I just had to let you know

That's alright cause things come and go.

Than the bass stopped. I got lost in the song and didn't realize that Eio had stopped strumming the bass line. He dropped his bass guitar on the sweat next to Vida who just stared with her eyes wide.

"You guys didn't say you were that fucking good! What the hell you guys need to be famous right now, I would honestly buy that song on iTunes for any price. Gahhhh Kai your vocals were AMAZING and I could tell you got lost in the words..." Eio cleared his throat, sending the universal sign meaning"Shut the fuck up". Well maybe not the fuck part, but it meant shut up.

"I'm not feeling this guys. Can we just call it a day?", he said as he left the school's music room. I would disagree with him if I didn't feel like crap myself. School by itself was torture, but going to school and still needing to deal with boatloads of drama? That was like a giant F U. I looked back at my band and Ish walked up to me.

"You okay?" he asked shoving his hands in his back pockets. I grabbed his elbow and pulled him to my locker. The school day was about to begin and I was already waiting to go home.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired of all of this bullshit." I sighed while opening up my locker and looking up at Ish, " I don't know if I can take all of this mess without leaving this town. I mean, I just hate this place, too many bad memories. Too many nightmares and too many scars. I don't know maybe by me disappearing, it'll benefit someone else." I grabbed my English and Physics binder out if my locker and slammed the locker door closed. While I sat down on the empty floor infront of my locker Ish looked at me his eyes filled and even overflowing with concern.

"Kai, you maybe wanna go for a walk? I mean you don't have to, but it would be cool, you know? And I think we could both use it." He rambled on and I stood there just thinking. I didn't want to go for a walk, but I wanted to be in Ish's presence. I mean Ish is the sweetest person ever. Bonus, I wanted to get out of school, but I also wanted to see Austin today. I really don't want to see Ryan today either, but Eio is here and he's going through way more than me right now. Fine I'll stay for Eio, it;s okay because me and Ish also have every class together.

"I think I might just be in school today, I kind of have to if Eio has to deal with more than I do and he;'s still here. But... maybe after school?" I looked at him as he sat down too, obviously dejected from being rejected. He nodded and I felt bad. "Come on Ish." I said pulling him up and I ran to first period him trailing behind me.

"Uhh Kai.. I kind of left my books in my locker.." He said after we arrived in the classroom. I groaned. Running back into the hallway which was probably now cluttered with muppets would be hell. Living Hell. I pulled him into the desk to the left of mine.

"We can share. I don't want to go back out there and you aren't leaving me here alone." He nodded swiftly and waited for class to begin. Thirst seconds after the bell rang a brunette boy jogged in, flashed a hot pink slip of paper, and ran to the other seat to the right me. I turned to look at him for a split second than realized that it was Ryan sitting next to me. He saw me glance at him.


This process repeated for my 2nd-7th period classes. The only thing on my mind, Oh. God. Ryan. Is. In. All. Of. My. Classes.

Did he transfer into all of them to get his revenge?

"Hey Kai. Are You coming to Jo's party?" Ish asked. I nodded and asked him for a ride. "For sure, I'll be outside." I nodded.

R u coming to Jo's prty? -- Lola

Yes r u ? -- Kai

Duh c u there. -- Lola

~on the way home with Ish~

R u going to Jo's party? --Kai

I'll stop by for a little I feel like shit again. --Eio

Eio puhlease stay the whole time ! it won't be fun without you. And I'll be sad. --Kai

Fine I'll be there. I hate you though --Eio

ilyt E -- Kai

Ugh -- Eio

Boi bah u know u love mee! -- Kai

I try not to kill you -- Eio

Couldn't if u tried -- Kai

Grr bye -- Eio

Bai boyfrand -- Kai

I'm not ur boyfrand --Eio

Ur a buzz kill -- Kai

But u luv it. C u Dere --Eio

Bai -- Kai

Parties are safe... right?



Hey pineapples🍍🍍. I decided to have a stalker in da story. Dr. Stalker and ducks not giving a _____ (fill in da blank). Also Vida will be played by Alexandria Daddario so she won't have freckles. Sad face. I know I know it sucks farts if that is possible. YOU SHALL NOT PASS. I'm sorry, I need candy. I'm having a candy shortage. Send me candy and I'll update more.

And Suzy you better give me Takis. For those of you who are brain dead takis are the greatest thing ever. So go eat some.


Q: What do you think of Kai's stalker?

Q: Are you going to send me candy?

Q: Do you have to take care of a raw egg for 2 weeks?

Bai Bæß🍋 and pineapples 🍍!!

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