Overdosing on Depression

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"You skipped school? Kai Carter Winter, what the hell do you think you're doing?" my mother questioned me. I just looked at her, I mean if she was at home alot more and she actually fucking listened to my problems than maybe all of this FUCKING bullshit wouldn't have to Occur. BUT, No she is too obsessed and cares more about her job than her own fucking blood. I am her daughter and she doesn't give two shits what I do.

"Answer me young lady! What has gotten into you. You are becoming such a case and I literally can't deal with you right now. You are becoming such a delinquent." God my mother could be annoying so I just tuned her out until I couldn't anymore.

"I mean, you aren't completing your assignments, you are talking back, and you are never home, you always have to be out of the house. " I took this oppurtunity to interrupt her.

"Now I know where got that from." I said earning a glare from her. "Mom. Mommy. Mother. You have been in and out of the house. I barely see you anymore, Mom. I have no one to talk to about the things going on in my life. You have no idea how many times I have needed you and you just ignored me because of your job. But I guess I see how it is now. Career before blood huh?" Than I grabbed my stuff and got out of mom's car. I should just avoid cars now because I always seem to get the worst out of situations from them.

Then the most cliche thing in the world happened. It started raining. I hate cliche. I hate it. It makes everything in life seem perfect when we all know how much it really isn't. I walked to a nearby park and sat on the swings and thought about my life decisions.

-----------Eio's POV----------

I saw her sitting there on the swings. I wished I could've said something, but I knew I needed to let her be. I walked home. Instantly I was reminded of my mom. I smelled her scent and as I ascended the stairs I passed her room. Inside their room was my father kneeling next to the bed. His face was red and bottles covered the floor. I heard quiet sobs.

"Dad?" I was unsure of what to do. He looked up at me as I tried to enter the room. I could see the pain in his eyes change to anger and hate.

"What do you want? Huh? Are you here to leave me too? Are you here to collect your things and go? Well just leave than.. just go. I don't need you. I just need my bottles..." I didn't hear the rest because he mumbled off and I started to get scared.

"Dad?" I tripped over bottles as I saw him change from an angry red to a pale hue. Running to him I pulled out my phone and called a police operator.

--------------Austin's POV-----------------

I saw Kai sitting on the swings alone, but I also saw Eio standing across from me on a different side of the park. When he walked away I felt the tensity leave. I walked over to Kai and she didn't flinch. I held my umbrella over her. She mumbled a thanks but kept her face the same.

"Hey hun, wanna talk about it?" I asked. Maybe I could help...

"No, it's nothing important." She turned to reassure me than turned back to her original facing. I took out my phone. While sliding up the screen I said, "Selfie?". She looked at me and smiled. Yes, that smile.


After a super long selfie session I led Kai to the playground.

"tag you're it!!!" I yelled and ran. Every now and than Kai would sneak up behind me and tag me and I would start to chase her and tag her back. I saw her talking to a little girl who was handing her a flower. Kai is so beautiful.

"Hey, gorgeous..." Gosh She turned around as I tugged her waist and stared.

"Wha..?" She slurred after she saw me staring. "Austin what is it?"

"Why are you so perfect?" I asked. Her response broke my heart. She laughed saying "I'm not close to perfect sweetums but excuse me." Followed by the ringing of her phone.

I thought I won. I thought she was mine and I was hers but she left me for Eio. She got up from our conversation on the playground and departed for five minutes, returning with news of how Eio's dad drank himself to death. Eio was an emotional wreck so she left. I thought I won, but I guess not. Damn you Eio ...

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