Ubi Est Kai?

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------------------ Eio's POV--------------------

I walked into the house, looking for Kai. I tried to apologize, but she said she wasn't upset. It was obvious that her attitude changed, her smile was gone. It was my fault. I am so stupid, how could I hurt her like that? I love her and I will always love her. I can't believe what I did. I ruined her, after all I do ruin tons of things like my family and How my parents died. I don't know anymore. I'm not sure who I am, and I'm not sure what to do. I have no family to go to for help, the closest people that I have are Jo, Ish, Lola, and maybe Vida. I think Vida's cool to talk to, I'm gonna go hang with her and talk to her.

To: Vida From: Eio are you doing anything today?

To: Eio From: Vida nah... you need someone to talk to?

To: Vida From: Eio yah, let's go to the park or something..

To: Eio From: Vida i'll meet you there

I stumbled up the stairs to Kai's room at the end of the hallway. When I knocked on the door it opened up, she didn't close it all the way. The room was dark and damp; moldy and unventilated. The light was trickling in but it was still not illuminated. I looked for any signs of Kai and where she might be. I guess I got carried away because I started looking through her sock drawer. At the bottom I felt something hard and beneath it, something sharp like a razor. I pushed socks out of the way to reveal a journal and a razor blade. I was holding the razor that Kai used to cut herself that time I called her stupid. I didn't mean it at all. Kai is smarter than I and I love her. I would do anything to make her happy. That's why I opened up her journal and started reading. If I wanted to know why she was acting so strange I had too.

I read and I read. Page after page, line after line, sentence after sentence, word after word. Everything. I read how lonely she felt. I read about how she wanted to give up. I read about how her mother is never home and how she has to be so independent because she basically lives alone. Things aren't the same from when me and Kai would be happy. Her mom works double and they barely see each other anymore. But just imagine what if... What if Kai wasn't actually happy? What if Kai had always been upset. What if? I have to find Kai...

A/N:  hey guysss... I know I've been so inactive while posting.. I've been working on other stuff, like promoting and recording videos for the new youtube channel that my friends started.. So yeah please forgive me... This is a short chapter and I tried to make it suspenseful, but yeah whateverrr..

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