Chapter 29

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*Hunter's POV*

It's been 2, 2 freaking months since Stacey tried commiting suicide. I've only gone home about 3 times a week to shower, get clean clothes, and get a goodnights sleep. I don't want to leave Stacey's side, I want to be here when she wakes up.

Shay and I haven't spoken to each other since that day. I've basically been crying non-stop. "Hunter?" I turned around and Shay was standing in the door way.

"What could you possibly want?" I walked out into the hallway and shut the door.

"Can we talk about what happened?" He asked me.

"Shay, I will never forgive you in a million years. So just leave." Shay sighed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen."

"If you didn't mean for it to happen then why the hell did it? You could've stopped yourself." I shook my head. "But you didn't even try to stop yourself, did you?"

"No." Shay sighed and gave in. "I'm sorry. Just please don't hate me forever. Stacey needs both of us."

"Who says she needs both of us?" I raised my eye brows.

"You know she needs as many friends to help her and keep her safe." I sighed. "See, I'm right."

"Fine, bI'm not forgiving you this easy." I walked off into the room and shut the dor. "Stacey please wake up. I miss you." I kissed her forehead and sat down.

*Shay's POV*

"So what happened?" Dan asked me.

"He said that we could basically see eye-to-eye, but he wouldn't forgive me this easy." I sighed.

"He's still very mad at you?" Dan asked me.

"Yes, still very, very mad." I sat down with Dan in the waiting room. Danielle went home for a few days to shower and get some rest.

"Just don't push it." Dan said. "Just give him his time. Let everything settle down and get better."

"I guess, that's all I really can do."

"Shay has gotten smart." Dan patted my head. We both laughed. "Just give it some time. Everything comes around in time."

"I guess." I said. We sat in silence before going doing to the Hospitals cafeteria.


Hey, I apologize for this chapter being so short. I have writers block until the next chapter. I already have the next chapter planned out and everything. I just needed a chapter inbetween the last one and the next one!

So thanks!


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