Chapter 28

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*Hunter's POV*

"No!" We all screamed when Stacey jumped. I looked over at Shay and shook my head. Dan was on his phone talking to the hospital and I just stood there, frozen and couldn't move. 

"Stacey!" Shay shouted and ran over to the edge. I followed him and I looked down. "Hunter, I know what you're thinking don't do it." I backed up and ran down to the edfe of the water and I walked in. I searched for Stacey. "Stacey?" I called, still looking for her. 

I finally found her floating in the water and I stumbbled over to her. I picked her up and carried her over to the land. I laid her on the grass and kneeled beside her. "Stacey," the others joined me by myside. 

"Stacey, please answer me." I gave her CPR but nothing happened. "Stacey." I said through the tears. I covered my face with my hands and I leaned down on her chest. 

"Hunter, the ambulance is here." The nurses got Stacey in the truck. 

"I'm going with her." The others nodded their heads. "Meet at the hospital?"

"Yes." Danielle hugged me and they went to their cars. I got in the back of the ambulance with Stacey and I watched the nurses hook her up to an oxygen tank. 

About 10 minutes later we arrived at the hospital and they quickly got Stacey a room. I sat in the chair while the docotor and nurses did some test on her. A nurse came and sat down beside me. "Can I ask you a few questions?"  I nodded my head. "Did she jump?"

"Yes, she was trying to commit suicide." Tears continued to roll down my face. 

"Why would she try that?" She asked me, writing down some things on the paper. 

"Well she gets abused by basically everyone and I took her from her home and he dad because he abuses her. Well she went back there and stayed for two months. Well she came back and she kissed one of my good friends and I found out earlier today in a middle of an interview and I yelled at her and I guess she thought I was going to hit her. I ran off and next thing I know I found her and she jumped." 

"Okay, thank you. We are going to look through the results of the test and we will be right back." I nodded and stood up. I walked out of the room and saw the others sitting in the waiting room. 

"What's going on?" Danielle asked. 

"They said they are going to review the test that they took and come let me know in about 20 minutes." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "I can't believe that she did it."

"It's my fault." Shay said. 

"No, I yelled at her and she got scared of me. Like I was going to hit her." I told them. "I was so stupid to yell at her and leave her alone like that." 

"Mr. Hayes." We all looked at the nurse. "We have the results."

"What is it?" I asked. 

"Well, she's in a coma. It's hard to tell when she could wake up. It could be today, next week, or even a few months. When she does come out of a coma she may not rememeber things, but she may remember things. It's you guys job to help her remember the things she doesn't."

"Thank you." Dan said and the nurse walked off. 

"Shay," he looked at me. "Can I talk to you?" We walked  out side and I looked at him. "Why Shay, why?"

"Look, Hunter I'm sorry. I wish I could go back and change what I did and said. If I could go back I wouldn't even tell her that I have feelings for her." Shay told me. 

"Ya know what Shay? You should've told me that you have feelings for her. Yeah, I would've been mad, but atleast this wouldn't have happened!" I shouted. "She could die! You only care about yourself!"

"Hunter calm down." Shay told me. 

"Don't tell me to calm down! This is your fault! You just  had to go and tell EVERYONE on national TV that you kissed Stacey! Look what that lead to! I thought you were better than that! The girl that I love is laying in a hospital dead fighting between life and death and it's all your fault." 


"Don't Hunter me. NOTHING you can ever say will fix this!"

"Maybe she wanted me over you anyways!" He shouted at me. 

"That's a lie."

"How about we ask her when she wakes up?" He crossed his arms. 

"She may not even remember who we are then! You are so full of yourself. She doesn't want you! And because of you I could lose the one that I need most!" I shouted. "But you don't care. You only want her for yourself." Shay walked away and back inside. I followed him and walked past the others, ignoring them. I walked into Stacey's room and sat in the chair beside her bed. "Stacey, please wake up. I need you." I grabbed her hand in mine. 

*Shay's POV*

I sat in the chair in the corner of the waiting room and everyone's eyes were on me. "What?" I groaned. 

"What happened?"

"We got into an arguement." I shrugged. "But it's whatever anymore."

"Shay, why did you kiss her or even tell her that you have feelings for her? Hunter is one of your great friends and you probably just ruined that."

"She needed to know and I was just stuck in the spur of the moment that I kissed her. if I could go back in time I would take it back and not even do it. I'm sorry okay?" I said. 

"Okay. Geez." They all stopped asking me questions and we all sat in silence, waiting on any good news Hunter or the doctors could give us. 

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