Chapter 6

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*Stacey's POV*

Around one PM Hunter got on the bus and we were headed to the hotel. He had two more shows in Texas, then we would be going to Nashvielle for the ACM's. I've never attended an award show and this one I would be Hunter's 1+ guest.

"You, Danielle, and Gracelyn are sharing a two bed, room. Is that okay or would you like a room of your own?" Hunter looked at me.

"Can I share with you or get one of my own?" I asked, I didn't want to tell him that I don't want to be in the same room as Gracelyn for two nights.

"Yeah. I'm sure we can get a two bed bedroom to share." He smiled. I nodded and looked at my phone. I searched #HunterHayes and saw tweets about, wait about me?

'Hunter's new mystery girl has fans going crazy.'

'Hunter and his mystery girl'

'Who the hell is this girl? She's so ugly."

Now came all the mean and bad comments. I read a few of them, but then I couldn't do it anymore. Tears pricked in my eyes and I tried to hold them in. "Stacey? Is everything okay?" I shook my head no and showed him all of the mean tweets. "Listen, things will be okay."

2 minutes later we got to the hotel and all got our rooms. I settled in for bed and looked at my phone. "Goodnight."

"We have an early morning tomorrow. I have an interview in the morning." He told me. I told him okay and clicked off the lamp. I thought about all the fans saying those mean things, but then I feel asleep.

*The Next Morning*

I was the first one up, so I decided to get a shower. I grabbed a towel and my clothes. I washed my hair then my body and turned off the water. I dried off, then wrapped the plain, white hotel towel around my hair. I got dressed in a double layer cami top and dark blue skinny jeans, with rips at the knees. I slipped on my all black vans and I walked out of the bathroom. "Morning sleepy head." I laughed at Hunter who had just woken up.


"What time is the interview?" I asked him.

"In an hour. We have to leave here soon. So hurry up." I quickly blow dried my hair and I frenched braid back and stopped half way slipping it up into a pony. I put on my cross necklace and did my coverup to hide the bruises. I put in my favorite belly ring. It has a dream catcher on it.

"Ready!" I chirpped.

"You have your belly button pierced?" Hunter asked me in confusion.

"Yeah, it's no big deal."

"Alright. Let's go then." We walked outside and there were screaming fans everywhere. Hunter grabbed my hand and he pushed through the crowd.

"You look beautiful." Dan said as Hunter was closing the limo door.

"Why thank you." I heard Gracelyn take a deep breath from infront of me. I rolled my eyes, hoping no one else heard her.

"Welcome." Dan smiled. The drive to the interview was very short. We got out and yet again had to push through a crowd of fans.

"I love you Hunter!"

"Can I take a picture?"

"Dan! Shay!" So many fans, yelling so many things. Some even yelling nasty things.

*Hunter's POV*

"You will be staying back here with Gracelyn. It shouldn't be a very long interview." I told Stacey, then was directed to the stage. The light went on indicating that we were on the air.

"Welcome, today we have the one and only Hunter Hayes with us today. How are you doing?" The interviewer lady person looked at me.

"I'm great, how about you all?" I pointed to the crowd of fans. They all screamed and a smile formed across my face.

"We are going to ask him a few questions sent in from the fans through twitter!" I smiled.

"Okay shoot." the girls clapped and screamed. The lady scrolled throught her phone and looked at all the questions.

"Here's one. Everyone is Curious Hunter: Who is your new mystery girl?" The lady read the question from the phone.

"Um she is not my girl. And well she is just a fan. We've bumped into each other a couple of times and got into some tough situations." I saw through the corner of my eye a frown appear on Stacey's face. Shit, why did I just say that. "Truth is, she is amazing and beautiful. She doesn't have the best life, so I wanted to help her and show her that things are different and will be different. That she isn't invisible. So she is now well, on tour with the others and I." she looked at the ground and I could see a smile appear across her face.

"Aw, that is so sweet. We have enough time for one more question. This one is for Danielle." She turned towards her.

"How is it being on tour and living your dream out?"

"Well, it's been amazing. I couldn't have made it this far with out my fans and family. My fans helped support me through the voice and bought me out to win. My family pushed me through my nerves and my fears to get me up on that stage. and I want to say a massive thank you to Hunter. Without him I wouldn't be living my dream. I would be back in Nashville and meeting fans everyday. But now I get to tour the states and it is been the best experience ever." I smiled.

"It's no problem Danielle. You have a great voice." I hugged her and 'awes' spread acrossed the crowd.

"Well that's all we have time for today. Come back next time to join Ed Sheeran and I!" The cameras stopped rolling. We all walked off stage and I thanked the lady. I joined Stacey by her side.

"Why, at first, did you say that I was just a fan?" She looked at me, then looked down.

"I thought that maybe the fans shouldn't know about you, but they already do. Then I realised that I didn't want to make you feel even more invisible." I lifted her chin up.

"Thanks." She gave me a little smile.

"Let's head out." We walked out and there was still some girls outfront.

"There he is." They yelled. The others and I decided to stop and meet some fans. Stacey got in the limo and waited on us with Gracelyn.

I took one more picture and walked off to the limo. I heard Gracelyn saying something. When I opened the door a smile quickly appeared on both of their faces. Stacey's being a 'thank you' kind of smile and Gracelyn's a 'oh hey' one. I sat inbetween Gracelyn and Stacey and we waited on the others. 10 minutes later they joined us and we went to the arena.

We did soundcheck and now have 3 hours left until show time. Stacey sat outside on a bench. Dan + Shay running around like little kids, with Danielle. Gracelyn and I were in my dressing room watching Sinister.

*Hey guys! I want to thank you all for reading and voting for my story! It means so much to me!

Any comments about the story? Comment if you have any ideas or suggestions and comment your thoughts of the previous chapters! Thanks!*

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