Chapter 25

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"Xiao Wei? Do you like me?"

Shen Wei nodded, the crease between his eyebrows disappearing.

"And who am I?" Zhao Yunlan held his breath.

Shen Wei smiled and breathed, "Yunlan."

I like you very much, too, Xiao Wei, Zhao Yunlan thought, as Shen Wei snuggled closer. was warm... too warm. Shen Wei wanted to kick off the blanket but he could not move, his body was too heavy. Oh, he remembered now. He opened that brandy and took a couple of swigs. He felt warm at first, then must have gotten cold and pulled on a blanket. He recited his textbook about the effects of alcohol on a body's temperature: "...just one alcoholic drink could make you feel warmer, but it actually lowers your core body temperature." Yes, that was what it must have been.

He opened his eyes slowly, very slowly, and when he was sure the ceiling was going to stay still, he tried to move again but the blanket was way too heavy. He looked down and was surprised to see a head of hair on his chest! Who -, then he saw a leather jacket off to the side – Yunlan? Why was he here? How did he get in? He was obviously fine despite the earthquake – EARTHQUAKE?

Shen Wei groaned as he recalled bits and pieces of what had happened after he got back to his room. That insistent knocking on the door woke him up and he remembered staggering, getting his legs tangled with each other and blaming an imaginary earthquake. He vaguely remembered Zhao Yunlan holding him up. No doubt he was worried the way Shen Wei ran off and came after him to make sure he was alright. But he should not have left Zhu Hong alone. He was assuming the relationship was still new since there really was not much time with all the missions they had worked on. Now that they were done with the last one, the two could start their new lives together. Before he realized what he was doing, his hand started to gently stroke Zhao Yunlan's soft hair, knowing this would be the last time he would have Yunlan to himself. Be happy, my Yunlan...

The heavy body on Shen Wei's chest began to stir and he pulled his hand back in hurry. Zhao Yunlan stretched and turned over on his back but still remained on Shen Wei's chest. Shen Wei caught a whiff of a very Yunlan smell, the smell of leather. He would always remember Yunlan whenever he smelled a leather jacket, a leather bag, anything leather.

Zhao Yunlan opened one eye and saw Shen Wei looking at him, smiled and opened the other eye and turned back on his stomach, pulling himself higher on Shen Wei, whose eyes got wider and wider with each movement.

"Awake now, Sleeping Beauty?" Zhao Yunlan smirked.

"Chief Zhao, I am assuming you put me to bed. I'm afraid I drank too much and may have acted inappropriately. I apologize if I did or said anything improper."

"Improper? I'm waking up in your bed! What do you think happened?" Zhao Yunlan teased. He loved watching Shen Wei's face turning redder by the second.

"I – I – the problem is I don't remember much past opening the door and letting you in. I know I was falling and you caught me. Besides, we are both still fully clothed." Shen Wei managed to reason.

"Very smooth," Zhao Yunlan nodded, then sat up.

"I'm afraid I took you away from Zhu Hong last night. Please apologize to her for me when you see her later." Shen Wei also sat up but could not look at Zhao Yunlan.

"You can tell her yourself tomorrow at the office. We're off today, remember?" Zhao Yunlan stood up.

Shen Wei felt that feeling of loneliness again as he watched Zhao Yunlan walk towards the door.

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