Chapter 6

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"You know me so well." Zhao Yunlan also leaned forward. "I really feel like we've met before."

"Who knows? Maybe we have." I have watched you from afar for so long, Shen Wei thought to himself as he gave his enigmatic Mona Lisa smile.

"Now then, about these documents you just gave me - " Zhao Yunlan began but Shen Wei cut him off.

"I am not in the position, nor is it the right time to tell you any more about those papers you have in front of you until the time is right. I will give you some time alone to read through them. They have not been fabricated to the best of our knowledge, but you may see some discrepancies since you actually saw your mother's body. Please tell me if you notice any; it will help in the future."

"Our? Who else knows about this?" Zhao Yunlan's detective radar was on full blast.

"I obviously could not get this on my own. And you will know the rest of the story -"

" - when the time is right." Zhao Yunlan sighed. He sat back in his chair and tried to recall that day's events.

"Unfortunately I was on the other side of town in class when I got the call that she was in ER, and by the time I got to the hospital, she was already in surgery. Those butchers were harvesting her organs then, weren't they." Zhao Yunlan gritted his teeth.

"The extra hour or so it took you to get to the ER would not have made a difference. It appears you were notified after she had been in ER for some time, left untreated. Whoever called you waited until it was too late for her to recover, then rushed her into surgery. Look at the time frame here - she was brought in to ER at 8:47am. Do you remember what time you got the call?"

"It was about 12:00 noon. I remember because I was hungry and was thinking about lunch. Maybe the 8:47am was wrong. Maybe it was later."

"No, the time is quite accurate. I am sure of that." Shen Wei expression hardened. "The source can be trusted," he quickly added.

"You are sure of that?" What a strange way to put it. Shen Wei was being suspicious.

"I've spent much time looking at those documents, too, analyzing the sequence of events - it all makes sense if you see it as part of a conspiracy, and not an oversight on the hospital's part."

Smooth. There was much more to Shen Wei than met the eye.

Shen Wei took a key out of his pocket and put it on the desk in front of Zhao Yunlan.

"This is the office key. I will tell everyone to meet back here at 9:00am tomorrow, if that is alright with you."

"9:00am is good. Thanks."

"This is everyone's contact numbers. It is up to you who you wish to give your number to. I have some things to do to make this place look like a Chinese herb and acupuncture business, so I will take my leave now."

Shen Wei was so organized, unlike Zhao Yunlan who went more by instinct. Fortunately he had a good memory but he was not good at relaying things to others, another major complaint against him at the police department.

After Shen Wei walked out the door, Zhao Yunlan read through the pages carefully, being as objective as he could. Yes, it did answer several questions he had. How could someone be "forgotten" in ER with so many people? The hospital had claimed they were short of staff and that there were an unusual number of patients at the time. Still, would they still have not taken notice of a woman with a head wound? And if it was THAT busy, they should have been working to open up beds.

The huge scar that ran from neck to past her navel had scared him as a teenager back then, and he never thought of questioning it since they said she had sustained great internal damage. Come to think of it, her body did not seemed to be bruised that much, and the hospital had initially told him that she was brought in with a bad head wound. The next thing they realized, her body was cremated, another apparent "miscommunication." And why was she even in that part of town? She rarely left the neighborhood, and if she had some kind of appointment, she would have mentioned it. He dug into his memories, but all he could remember was the panic and fear he felt when the school principal came to his classroom to tell him the news, and then the helplessness and disbelief when he saw his mother's body.

After entering the police force, he thought he would be able to find something to answer some questions, fill in some blanks. But strangely enough, he could find nothing, no files, nothing in the computer data base. It was as though it had never happened. And now he sat here, in this room with the possible answers in his hand.

At one point, he pulled out his cell phone and his finger hovered over a saved number, a number he had not called for over 10 years, a number he swore never to call again. He shook his head and put his phone down. Not tonight. Not until he had enough time to look into things himself.

It was late in the evening when he arrived at the cemetery and stood before his mother's grave. He always made it a point to visit during the Qingmin Festival in April, and also on the memorial day of her passing. Although about 15 years had gone by, he still missed her, and he would pray and wish her peace. But now he knelt in front of her, wondering what had really happened to her, her poor body cut open and brutalized. She was definitely targeted. Why her? She was just an ordinary housewife. There was definitely something behind all this and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

  There was definitely something behind all this and he was going to get to the bottom of it

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