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A majority of the fans were super supportive, but there was still a handful that were not so supportive. I read the comments obviously, but tried hard not to let them get to me. It pretty much worked, and I just blocked a majority of them. I was laying in my bed in the dark, it was like 10:30 at night and I knew I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. My phone buzzed randomly as I was sending random snaps to my friends in Australia, and I saw it was Colby who texted.

Colby💕 - wanna do an impromptu overnight?

Me - uh sure? Where?

Colby💕 - this abandoned neighborhood that Sam and I visited a while back, we went to the hospital but we wanted to come back to explore the neighborhood. Just you, me, and Sam

Me - Okay, u pick me up?

Colby💕 - yep :)

I get out of bed and slowly go to my closet, pulling on a pair of black jeans with holes in the knees and a black XPLR hoodie. I slip on my usual black vans as well and braid my hair to the side. I hear Colby's car pull up out front, so I slowly opened the front door and slipped outside. I was instantly met with cold air, so I pulled the hood on and quickly got in the backseat of Colby's car.

"And we also have Josie here with us, my amazing girlfriend," Colby says, and it is then I notice the camera.

"So, tonight we are exploring the abandoned neighborhood that we had run through a bit ago, and we are actually going to stay overnight. I know we usually do these on TFIL but we figured we would try one on our own just for the fun of it," Sam says.

"I think I saw that video actually," I say, leaning over the center console.

"Really?" Colby asked, shocked.

"Yeah, obviously," I say, and laugh. We pull up to the side of the road and get out, and I could see houses in the distance.

"Alright, we gotta Mae a break for it. Go now!" Colby whispers, and we sprint across the dry field and into the nearest house.

"Okay, I remember that like white car person that patrols the area from your video. You think he patrols at night too?" I ask, and my question was answered. We saw lights coming and we watch a car pass from the window.

"Well, I hope that answers your question," Sam says, and I nod.

"Definitely," I say.

"Okay, let's keep moving. Let's try to go a little farther," Sam says, and we ready ourselves by the back door. We see the car pass a ways ahead of us, and the second it was out of sight we sprinted across the field again, past a few houses, and into the next one.

"This is stressful," I say, putting my hands on my knees and try to catch my breath.

"Shit, we forgot masks," Colby says, and Sam quickly goes into his backpack and pulls out three masks. I put one on, and as I adjust it, I see a camera flash.

"Thanks, col," I say, giving him a glare.

"What?" He asks smirking, pocketing his phone.

"Okay, let's go a few more houses in then ..." halfway through his sentence I saw a light reflect off Sam's eyes, and grab both their arms.

"Down!" I whisper, and the car passes closer, too close.

"Okay, we got to move," Colby says, and he watches for a safe spot to run.

"That was faster that time, he probably knows something is up," Sam comments. I nod, and Colby waves us closer.

"He is right over there. The second he goes around that bend, we make a brea for it," Colby says. We wait, and at the exact right second we sprint to the nearest house.

"This place is sketchy as fuck," I mumble, as I dart through the entryway and crouch down.

"Okay, let's sit here for a minute," Sam says, and quiets when he hears the car again. It was farther, but from a small window we saw how fast it was going.

"Okay, let's definitely camp out here for the time being," Colby says, and I nod.

"Okay, any goals for this trip?" I ask Colby, and he smirks, looking at Sam.

"Well, we wanted to see if there were any ghosts in here," Colby says, which catches my attention.

"You guys have a Ouija board?" i ask, and they both nod while Sam takes the board out of his bag. We set it up and place our fingers on the planchet. We move it in a circle three times, then Sam speaks.

"Ouija, we are here. Is there anyone here that would like to talk to us," he asks, and the planchet is still. I look around me, my fingers barely touching the planchet, and Sam repeats the question. It is still and quiet, and nothing happens.

"Is there anyone here who would like to talk to us," I ask, and still nothing.

"Damn," Colby mutters. We all say goodbye and take our fingers off, packing the board back up.

"Okay, its 1:30 am, Let's check out another house, and explore around it. I haven't heard the car for a while," Colby says, and we ready ourselves to run across to the next house. We sprint across the dark field, and walk inside the house. We split up in the small place, and there wasn't much to see.

"It's small," I comment, looking in a room that may or may not have been a bedroom.

"Definitely. Wait guys," Sam says, and I follow his voice to a small, bathroom like space. On the wall there was a small handprint.

"Holy shit," I whisper, and peer at it. We then hear the car again and drop down low. It sounded way too close, and by the looks on Sam and Colby's face it was definitely too close.

"Okay, we gotta leave. He had to have seen us at some point," Sam says, and then we hear a car door faintly shut. Sam peeked over a small window and saw the car a few streets over, and someone walking around with a flashlight.

"Next house, go!" He says, and without thinking we wildly run across the field. We run right through one house ad instantly into the next, only then pausing to take a breath. Our break didn't last long though, for we heard the engine start.

"Shit!" Colby said, and we began running blindly in the direction of our car. We stopped one more time in the house right before the street, we could see the faint outline of the car ahead of us.

"Okay, he definitely saw us back there. We gotta run," Sam says, and then a whole line of cars passes in front of us. We duck low, and the second they pass we make a break for it. We make it back to the car, and without even buckling we drive off as fast as we could.

"Are they following us?" I ask, looking behind me.

"I hope not," Colby says, stepping on the gas. We speed back into town, then pull over so they could film their outro.

"Well you guys probably couldnt see what just happened clearly, but we were basically chased out of that neighborhood," Sam says, and I nod.

"The dude was so fucking close," I say, trying to catch my breath.

"For real. We were a little sloppy though," Colby says, and I nod in agreement, lowering my hoodie from my head.

"Maybe. But it was definitely fun. We hope you guys enjoyed it, and we will see you next time," Sam says, and shuts off the camera. They drive me back to my apartment, where Coby gently kisses my temple before letting me go inside. I sneak in to my dark apartment and without even changing, lay down on my bed and fall asleep.

All The Little Lights // c.bWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt