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Time Skip 3 Months

The second I woke up at (amazingly) 10am, I was bombarded by texts from Kat and Dev, asking me to go to the trap house asap. I scrunched my brows together at the messages but follow their demands anyway. I wear one of Colby's hoodies I stole as well as a pair of leggings and black vans. A month ago, Ella left for Australia to see her cousins, as well as to hand deliver some letters and gifts for my dad, since I couldn't be there for Christmas last month. Flying was not my favorite thing, plus I had a new family in LA, one I could a hundred percent tolerate. I pulled up to the house within thirty minutes, and before I could even get out of my car Kat and Dev came running down, leaving the door wide open behind them.

"Guys! What is going on?" I ask them, and they each grab an arm and pull me inside. Sam and Colby had come over to see what was happening, and they got even more confused when they saw me basically being dragged in by Kat and Dev.

"Hi babe, love you," I say as I pass Colby, and am dragged upstairs against my will.

"I love you too!" I hear Colby yell back from behind me, and the two girls looked at me and smirked.

"Oh stop," I say, as they finally deposit me on the floor of Devyn's room.

"Never," Kat says, sitting cross-legged next to me.

"So, why did you guys drag me up here?" I question, and they smiled at each other.

"Well, I want to do your makeup for my channel. Well, both of you," Dev says, and Kat smiles.

"You knew about this?" I ask Kat, and she nods. They both know I was not a makeup girl, at all. I stand up and back towards the door, and almost made it out except I was dragged back in.

"No no no Josie," Devyn says, pulling me back inside. I groan, and she drags me to a spot she had set up. I take a seat in front of Kat, and Devyn decides to do Kat's makeup first. Devyn starts the camera and we all turn towards it. In the viewfinder I realized how different I was compared to these girls. My hair was braided to the side, and I was in a hoodie while they had their hair neatly brushed and were wearing decent clothes. We were so different, but I loved them so much.

"Hey, guys! It's Devyn, and I am here with Katrina and Josie!" She says, and she explains what she was going to do to us, before she turns to Kat. She applies a soft look for Kat, with bold lashes and redder lips.

"Wow," I say, and I have to admit she looked amazing.

"Your turn, Josephine," Devyn says, using her pointer finger to signal me over. I reluctantly move over to where Kat was originally sitting, and Kat starts interrogating me.

"How long have you been with Colby now?" She asks, and I smile.

"Four months," I reply, and close my eyes.

"And who's hoodie might you be wearing right now?" She asks, and I swear she turned to the camera and winked.

"Colbyyyy's," I say, and open my eyes quickly, "I love you babeeee.'

"Awww," Devyn says, and Kat does the same.

"Sam, I love you so muchhhhh," she says to the camera, and we both give Dev a look.

"Corey, I tolerate you," she says, and I laugh, as does Kat.

"Wow, you are so nice," Kat comments, and Devyn finishes my look. She did it a little heavier since the last time she did it, and it wasn't my favorite feeing but I did look good.

"Where are the boys," Devyn says, and my eyes widen.

"What?" I ask, and they pull me back up by my arms again.

"Come on, he's going to see the video anyway!" Kat says, dropping my arm and handing the camera to Dev.

"True," I say, and Kat and I walk downstairs together in search of our men. We find them in the kitchen, and Kat gives Sam a hug.

"Anyone look different?" Devyn asks, and I cover my face with my hands.

"I-is Josie wearing...." Colby says in feigned shock.

"Y-yes, yes she is," I imitate, revealing my face. He pretends to faint, and I go along with it, falling to my knees next to him.

"no, not now Colby! We haven't done our Taco Bell run!" I say, and his eyes shoot open.

"Ohh, you right," he says, and sits up. I stand up and help him back to his feet, even though he basically lifted himself up. I had noodle arms, I couldn't lift anything if I tried.

"Okay Dev, I appreciate your hard work, but where and how can I get this off," I say laughing, and she laughs as well.

"Wait, do a Mulan thing!" Colby suddenly yells, and I look at him confused, but Devyn seems to get it.

"Yes! Be right back," she says. I give Colby a look, and Dev soon comes back with a thing of makeup remover wipes.

"Wipe off half your face really dramatically, like Mulan. Let's see if it all actually comes off," Dev says, and I give her a look but do it anyway. Barely any came off, and I looked at the wipe in disappointment.

"Sorry, I failed you," I whisper, but I couldn't be dramatic like that for long. I burst into laughter and wiped the rest of the makeup off, leaving the mascara.

"Well, thank you for joining me o this wild video, see you guys next time!" Dev quickly says as her outro, and turns off her camera, placing it on the counter.

"Thank you, Josie, for cooperating," she says, and I shrug.

"I mean I was kind of forced to," I say, and Colby wraps his arms around me from behind.

"At least I got to see you," Colby whispers, placing a kiss on my cheek. I turn my head and he kisses me again, this time on my lips. We turn back and smile at the few people watching us. My phone then vibrates, and I check it, seeing Ella was calling.

"One sec!" I say excitedly, breaking out of Colby's grasp and answering the phone.

"Hello!" I say, and throw myself on the couch.

"Hey," she says. She sounded tired, and not like the Ella I know.

"Um, you okay?' I ask, and I could hear her sigh on the other end.

"I just talked to your dad, he is going to call you later but you won't be happy," she says, and I bring my knees to my chest.

"Why?" I ask quietly, and she fumbles with something on her end.

"I dont know, he will call you later. I have to go, love you bye," she says and hangs up, leaving me speechless. Colby walks in, and when he sees the expression on my face his smile falls.

"What happened?" He asked, sitting down next to me and bringing me in for a hug.

"Apparently my dad is going to call me later about something important," I whisper, and he kisses my forehead.

"It will be okay," he says, and I nodded, snuggling in to his warm embrace.

All The Little Lights // c.bOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora