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Colby POV

Don't call me a bad boyfriend, but I may or may not have told everyone it was Josie's birthday and to throw an impromptu surprise party for her? I was hoping she would be in a good mood, so maybe she would appreciate the surprise. I pulled into our driveway, and we get out. I swear she had an extra bounce in her step as she walked up to the door. I pulled out my small camera I was using to film the surprise, and she opened the door. Out of nowhere, Sam, Corey, Elton, Amanda, Kat, Devyn, and Aaron jump out.

"Surprise!" They say in unison, and Josie freezes, her hand over her mouth. A giggle escapes her lips, and she turns to me and sees the camera.

"You knew?" She asked me, and I nodded.

"Sorry, I may have told them," I say, but she shakes her head. She walks over and hugs me, and whispers a thank you in my ear before going to join everyone.

"I can't believe this," she says, and then Sam disappears and comes out with a cake. We sing her happy birthday, and she blows out her candles.

"You are officially 21! Here, have this," Devyn says, and hands her a shot with a slice of lime in her other hand.

"You guys are acting like I have never drank before," she says, and takes the shot without lime.

"Ah, we have an illegal drinker in this house," Elton comments, and she bursts into a beautiful laughter.

"Well, I am legal now," she says, and hands the glass back to Dev. I step up behind her and kiss her hair, rocking back and forth.

"Happy birthday babe," I say, and she looks up to me with her gorgeous hazel eyes.

"Thank you, Col," she says, her smile wide.

Josie POV

The next morning Elton calls us down for a trap house meeting.

"So guys, I'm planning on moving out in the next week or so. It's time for Amanda and I to get our own place, and we will miss you guys very much," Elton says, and puts his arm around Amanda.

"Aw," I say, and lean forward to hug Amanda, "and I just met you!"

"I know, Jo," she says, and hugs me back. I step back and we let them both go to pack, leaving the rest of us sitting in the kitchen not knowing what to do with ourselves.

"I'll be back soon," I say, and go upstairs to check my tattoo. I haven't told people yet, and I was praying Colby didn't say anything. I peeled back to bandaid and smiled at it. Getting it made me feel like I had a piece of Ella with me, and I liked the feeling. I go back downstairs and see that everyone had dispersed, except for Sam and Colby.

"Maybe we could go here?" Sam asks, and i come up behind Colby.

"Maybe," Colby says, and takes my hand in his.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask, and Sam looks up.

"Trying to decide where to explore next," Sam says, and I smile.

"Well, I may have an idea," I say, and take a seat next to Colby. I pull the laptop over to me and type in a location.

"It's an abandoned water park, its pretty darn cool. My friend Kip mentioned it and now that I remember I do believe I've passed it a few times," I say, and they look at each other and nod in approval. I forgot to mention that I had been keeping up with Kip recently through Instagram, and she is so sweet.

"Let's go!" Sam says and grabs his keys. Colby grabs my wrist, pulling me towards him we walk to Sam s car and get in, driving into a deserted area. They pull out their camera and prop it up for their intro.

"What's up guys its Sam and Colby," Col starts, and then Sam continues.

"Today we are here with Josie, who actually told us about this place," Sam says. They say some more information about the water park then we grab it and start walking into the park.

"Look! People!" Colby says, zooming in.

"Oh my god wait what does that say?" I ask squinting, and Colby gets all excited.

"Oh my god guys it says Lil Pump! Now that's what I'm talking about! Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang!," I burst into laughter and we continue to walk into the park.

"Let's go to the nearest place," I say, and we go into a large grayish building.

"What was this place?" Sam asks, and Colby answers.

"That's a bathroom," Colby says, and I laugh before we all leave and Colby spots a ladder.

"Seems stable enough. Let's go!" He says, and starts climbing. I follow, and behind me I hear Sam say 'Gucci gang' and I start laughing again. I take the camera from Sam, and take a moment to admire the sun through the trees.

"Look! Other car people!" Colby says, and I look at him.

"So we aren't going to admire the view?" I ask and he shrugs and laughs.

"Hi, we're roof people," Sam suddenly says to people who were standing on the ground looking up at us.

"Hi ground people," Colby says, coming behind me.

"This is our roof," I call down to them.

"That's your ground, this is our roof," Colby says.

"Well, I have more space down here so," the woman says, and I start laughing, as well as Sam.

"Oh, true true,," Colby says, and then we wave at them before getting off the roof. We walk for a bit and come across a graffiti sign that said 'mroe'.

"Who misspells more?" I question, and Colby cocks his head.

"It's like he forgot which was first, like he was like where do the R and O go? Oh fuck!" And I shrug, smiling. We then come across a snack shack, which Colby starts sprinting to.

"Sam! Jo! I'll serve you!" He says, and Sam goes first.

"Um, I was wondering if I could have some sour patch and a large coke?" He asks, and Colby retreats to the back, producing a giant board.

"Yeah, here you go," he says, and then I come in line.

"Can I get a Starbucks?" I ask, and he runs to the back of the thing again, this time coming back with a actual Starbucks cup.

"Oh wow!" Sam comments, and I start laughing with everyone.

"This was really back there?" I ask, and he nods, and I smile in disbelief.

"Whoa look, a lazy river!" Sam says.

"Wow, it was so lazy it stopped working," I comment, and Colby looks at me.

"Did you just ..." he starts and I nod and shrug, smiling.

"Alright, That's funny that's funny," he says, and we continue walking. We explore some more before going back to the car as the sun is setting. They filmed their outro, and once we were in the car and were moving I leaned forward so I was between the two.

"Thanks for letting me comeeee," I say, and they both nod.

"Well, you were the one to recommend it to us," Sam says, and I shrug knowingly.

"Yeah," I say, and smile.

All The Little Lights // c.bWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt