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Ella stopped at Target on her way home to buy a blanket. A blanket.

"A blanket?" I question when we get back to the apartment, and she nods.

"Yes," She says, and snuggles into the blanket. I laugh and sit on the couch next to her. She goes on her phone as well as I, and we sit in silence for a bit until she pipes up again.

"Josie, I'm texting Kat right now," she starts, and I look up.

"Okay?" I say, and she looks at me with her brows raised.

"She told me Colby likes you," she says, and I jump backwards, falling off the couch in the process.

"What?" I ask, sitting up, and she nods, jealousy written across her face.

"Seriously," she says, and types another reply.

"Ella, are you okay?" I ask after she had been silent for a bit.

"No. I wish Colby liked me," she says, and looks up at me. I don't know what to say, but I don't have to say anything because she starts talking again.

"Guys have always gone for me. I have never had a guy not like me," she says, and I scrunch my brows together.

"It's good to have guy friends though," I say, picking at a cuticle.

"I know, I'll get over it. I want to help you get your mans, if you are willing," she asks, wiggling her brows at me.

"I don't know if I am ready," I say, suddenly feeling the pressure of a relationship.

"Girl, its been ..."

"Six months, I am fully aware. But that relationship was toxic, you don't know the half of it," I tell her, and she gives me a look.

"What do you mean?" She asks, and I pick at a cuticle again.

"He just like didn't let me hang out with a lot of people when we went places, and would like constantly ask where I was going, and it kind of felt like he was controlling my life in a way," I say, looking up at her.

"Shit bro, I'm sorry," she says, and sends another text to Kat, I'm assuming.

"Don't tell her that," I say, and she shakes her head.

"I didn't," she says, and I nod in thanks.


The next morning I wake to a text from someone who I was praying wouldn't text me.

Colby - u wanna hang w Sam, Kat, and I today?

Me - sure

I sigh and change out of my sweats and into my usual jeans, hoodie, and vans. I then realized I probably shouldn't drive since it was my driving ankle that hurt, and the one time I drove with my left I got pulled over for speeding. I sighed and texted Kat

Me - can you pick me up ?

Kat - i can't cause my car is in the shop, and dev is out w Corey. Colby can take u tho

Me - ok

I groaned. Of course Colby had to be the only one able to drive me. I waited fifteen minutes, and took my time when he knocked on my door. When I opened it, he flashed me a smile.

"Hello Josie," he greets, and I can't help but smile back.

"Hello, Colby," I say, and I exit my apartment. I get in the passenger side of his car, and realize Sam and Kat are already in the car.

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